Israir now designated carrier on NY route

israir.jpgAccording to INN, Israir has won the right to be a designated carrier for the Tel Aviv-New York route but does not plan at this time to add flights. Israir will continue to fly four times a week each way because “of the lack of a suitable plane,” said the firms commercial manager, Shai Marina. It plans to replace its Boeing 767 with an Airbus, which will enable it to increase capacity.

One Response

  1. not sure where this is coming from – but it’s very old news.
    this happened appx a year ago.
    and these guys r still using the same 1 plane to go back and forth 4 times a week.
    they’ve been promising a new plane for the longest time. when we see it we’ll believe it. in the meantime, i’m staying away

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