Israel seals territories for Purim

idf sniper.jpgIsrael sealed its crossings with the West Bank and Gaza Strip for the Purim holiday. Defense Minister Amir Peretz ordered the closure to begin Thursday and end Monday. Israel is on high alert for terrorism from the West Bank, and will be curbing entry by Gazan traders and laborers during Purim as an additional precaution.

7 Responses

  1. This is the first time in a long time that the government has done anything practical or sensible. Let’s hope B’H that all goes well this Purim that there should be no incedents and everyone has a joyous purim.

  2. Notwithstanding the current state of affairs of the Israeli Government, ab8420, that’s a pretty sweeping statement. I question its accuracy.

  3. Thank you Amir for a good decision. Glad to see your head screwed on correctly.
    Purim is the worst Jew Hate day in the calendar. Remember Purim in Chevron, when the Arabs were planning a massacre and Baruch G was murdered, and helped to save the day.In the 1980’s the JDL used to be hired by the Rosh Yeshiva of Mir to protect and secure the bldg on Purim, with a large contingent of men watching over the Jewish Cemetery on McDonald Ave which would be vandalized and desecrated on Purim night. This is factual history that most bloggers are not aware of!!! (my two neighbors who are in their 70’s have photos to show).

  4. What is the West Bank? Can you make deposit & withdrawals? See how one can become so easily brainwashed. Jews refer the area as Yehuda & the Shomron. The goyim call it the West Bank.

  5. sayitlikeitis Says:
    Remember Purim in Chevron, when the Arabs were planning a massacre and Baruch G was murdered, and helped to save the day.

    Bit of a strech there?
    I have heard many conspirocy theories, and I feel for R’ Boruch, and his family. I also understand his motivation for doing what he did, and yes the story is a bit unclear, but still…

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