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Eretz Yisroel: Hamantasch Statistics 5767!

hamantasch.jpgTwenty-three million hamantaschen will be consumed in Eretz Yisroel this Purim, a 5 percent increase from last year, according to the Manufacturers Association. About 7 million will be stuffed with chocolate, and the main consumers will be children.

The latest innovations in hamantaschen include “Black and white” hamantaschen, prune-filled and coffee-filled hamantaschen, and “Premium hamantaschen,” which will be made of butter dough.

Sugar-free and “mini” hamantaschen, weighing about 1 ounce, as opposed to the regular hamantasch that weighs about 1.5 ounces, will also be available.

According to the Manufacturers Association, the hamantaschen industry will bring in some NIS 31 million (about $7 million).

The cost of hammantaschen has also risen by 5 percent. Manufacturers reported the increase is due to the rise in the price of ingredients, mainly flour and oil, and also a rise in wages.

The most popular flavors are poppy seed, date, walnut and chocolate.


15 Responses

  1. Why do hamentachen have three corners?
    Because if they had four, they would be chayav in tzitzis.

    Freilchen Purim!!

  2. Are the hamentashen going to be made with transfats? Or did they figure out how to make really good hamentashen without shortening yet? I think in order to be really traditional they’re supposed to have “Mohn” (poppy seed filling). Chocolate fillings, coffee fillings etc. are all modern innovations. Those made with butter, better have a warning label not to eat with fleishigs. Freilichen Purim!

  3. The source of the word homontash is the following: As someone else wrote correctly, the traditional filling is “mon” (poppy seed stuff). The homontash is made as a “pocket” that contains the mon. Yiddish for “pocket” is “tash”. So we really have a “poppy seed pocket”, or a “mon tash”. When referring to “the mon tash”, we use the Loshon Kodesh superlative for “the”, which is “ha” (heh with a patach). Hence: ha mon tash = the poppy seed pocket. The Hebrew “ha” evolved into the Litvishe “ho” (heh with a komatz) and we have today “ho mon tash” known in one word as homontash.

    As an aside, any good baal koreh can tell us when a heh-patach becomes a heh-komatz, which may perhaps prove that we didn’t need the lutvaks to change the ha to ho since it changed naturally by itself.

    Purim Somayach, or is that somayoch?

  4. This is one of the most informative posts I have seen on this site. Thank you. Is it possible to perhaps get an album posted in the Gedolim section showing us up close which flavor each of our Rabbonim prefer?

  5. I was taught that the reason why it’s supposed to be filled with prune or poppy is to remind us of the waste that was DUMPED on haman’s head by his daughter PURIM SAMEACH!!!

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