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One soldier kills two major terrorists in one week

Chief superintendent M., a company commander in the Border Guard, on Wednesday morning killed the commander of Islamic Jihad in Jenin, Ashraf Sa’adi, who was responsible for launching several suicide attacks in 2005 and 2006.

The company was operating in the Jenin refugee camp. M. described the morning’s events for Ynet News Agency: “We received specific information about a vehicle. When we noticed it, we tried to capture the three terrorist inside.

They escaped into one of the alleyways and started to shoot in our direction. We returned fire. I felt something hit me in my shoulder but continued fighting. I then saw someone run away from the vehicle. I shot and killed him. That was Ashraf Sa’adi.”

The other two gunmen, also wanted terrorists, were shot down by the company.

M. was lightly injured in his shoulder but refused to be evacuated for medical treatment.

“I did not want to leave until it was over and everyone was out. I went to hospital when we were done,” he explained.

This is the second recent successful operation for M. The same unit was responsible for last week’s killing of Mahmoud abu Abid, who was responsible for sending the suicide bomber caught by police in Bat Yam .

M. shot the terrorist last week too. He is not trying to conceal his satisfaction: “This is a terrorist cell that will do anything to harm Israelis. I am pleased that I was the one who eliminated the cell.”


11 Responses

  1. Can some people at least pretend to check their spelling before they post a comment?
    If you want to come across as sounding intelligent, spelling is first on the list.

  2. lakewooemasmed
    when we talk torah, we are including all 613 favorites, like. “love the neighbor”, “pursue righteousness”, etc. thats why he merited the zechusim.
    What is a tzioney by the way—is that a lover of tzion?

  3. Whaddaya mean, what shaychus mesiras nefesh? It’s a great mitzvah, and is surely maygin.

    You don’t have to be a “Tzioni” to appreciate the mesiras nefesh of the soldiers. You do have to be a kafui tova not to appreciate them.

  4. rabosi when yehoshua went to war there was one person learning in the bais medrash for every single soldier its a raiyah fron navi; everything that happens in this world is bezchus torah learning the velt has to appriciate the learning that bocherim put in for their zchus one of the three things that the world stands on is TORAH!!! a freilichen purim!!!!

  5. “one of the three things that the world stands on is TORAH!!!”

    Correct. And another one is Gemilus Chasadim, which includes the chesed perormed by Isreali soldiers in risking their lives to protect others.

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