Matanos L’Evyonim – Please Help Our Family Of Six Young Orphans!

Hi, I’m Sarah and I’m 12 years old. My five younger siblings and I just became orphans after watching our father suffer daily for two horrific years of pain and degradation from cancer.

Two years ago, Abba was rushed to the hospital on Erev Pesach. We had our Seder alone with our Imma, not knowing that our Abba was undergoing a life-threatening surgery in an attempt to save his life. Our lives since then have been a continuation of the same theme, with Abba in and out of the hospital, often for weeks on end, with our Imma caring for him around the clock whenever he was “healthy” enough to be home.

Our Abba was so strong throughout his illness, accepting his lot from Shamayim, and at the same time, leaving no stone unturned in trying to find a cure. He shocked the doctors and outlived their grim prognosis many times over -we never, ever believed our father would leave this world. Now we are all shocked, and broken.

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Just a few weeks ago, I celebrated my Bat Mitzvah. My father was so weak that he had to leave in the middle of the party, to go rest. The next day he was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance – and he never came back home after that.

My parents always lived simply and responsibly. Now unfortunately, living hand to mouth won’t work anymore because we lost my father’s loving hand. As American baalei teshuva now living in Israel, my parents have no frum relatives who can help us out. My mother’s heart is broken as it is, but her overwhelming worry about how to pay the next set of bills is too much for us kids.

My mother worries about me, and says that I have grown up way too fast in the two years since my father became sick, when I was only ten years old. She knows that for my sake and that of my siblings, she has to be home with us, to give us all the extra love and support that orphans need to grow up emotionally healthy.

My younger brothers and sisters may only remember our father in the throes of his terrible illness. Please find it in your heart to donate to our family fund, so that we don’t have to remember our mother as a wretched beggar looking for handouts, with no self-respect or dignity.

Please help save our family, and you should be blessed with only good things.

Sarah Levy

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My parents and I by my Bat Mitzvah

Please help my siblings stay strong!

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