Some El Al paraphernalia

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22 Responses

  1. Translation:

    We here at ElAl take Torah Yidden to be a bunch of suckers, only good for the money. We would like to apologize (once again) for being mechalel Shabbos. We didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. We were hoping people would forget the previous incident each time. So once again we apologize and hope you’ll be the same suckers as last time.

    Thank You (for all your money).

    ElAl Management

  2. could someone please provide a translated basic summary of the letter. it would be appreciated, by me certainly, and probably many others. a non-Purimdick translation is prefered.

    thank you

  3. Jos
    you forgot to add ‘your kvetching and complaining ‘ instead of just ignoring us and carrying on your business with goyish airlines where there are no chillul Shabbos issues gaves us a lot to think about, your truly are suckers!!!

    We owe you!
    El Al

  4. stan,

    This isn’t written in the language of the jews. The language of the jews is loshon kodesh. This is written in modern (zionist) hebrew.

  5. Stan,

    I don’t know what you mean by ‘antique’ hebrew. There is Loshon Kodesh our true language. Modern hebrew used by the Israelis is some other language

  6. Jos, what is the difference between Loshon Kodesh and modern Hebrew besides the non-Jewish Hebraized words that were added? I do not know any Jew who speaks the Loshon Kodesh of Tanach. OTOH, even sifrei kodesh written by today’s (and yesterday’s) Torah Jews are basically modern Hebrew (again, without the goyish nouns/verbs that crept into modern Hebrew). Gramatically, Loshon Kodesh and modern Hebrew are the same.
    So how do you differentiate between the two? Does it depends on who is doing the talking/writing? ELAL writes modern Hebrew, while the Charedim (including the various Vaad Harabonim) write in Loshon Kodesh?

  7. Chaim,

    As you point the language spoken by Israelis is full of goyish. Loshon Kodesh has NO goyish or the other junk added (and Loshon Kodesh removed) from modern herbrew.

    Its implementation as a language was instituted by secular, Torah hating, zionists.

    As you point out, Loshon Kodesh has not been a spoken language of Yidden since shortly after the chorbon bayis sheni (at least.)

  8. When Rav Lerner met with the Gaonim Adirim Rav Elyashuv & Rav Steinman to speak about the issue of JP, would you believe they even conversed abit in MODERN DAY HEBREW.

  9. Aharon, as you indicated modern hebrew is full of non-jewish stuff and is missing real loshon kodesh. And its usage was started by (jewis) people who were against judaism. Its a different language. English is a latin language, but english is certainly not latin.

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