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Maran Rav Eliyashiv writes Sefer Torah

eliyashiv.jpgHundreds of people gathered at the home of Maran Hagoen Rav Eliyashiv Shlita to partake in a special Hachnosas Sefer Torah yesterday. The Askan Mr. Ira Renert gave funds to Rav Eliyashiv to be able to be Mikayem the Mitzvas Kisivas Sefer Torah. As soon as Rav Eliyashiv finished writing the last Ois, the crowd broke into singing and dancing and escorted the Sefer Torah to Rav Eliyashiv’s Shul. To hear an exclusive sound clip of Rav Eiyashiv (who was wearing a new Beged) make a Brocha Shecheyanu click HERE. (Picture is NOT from this event)

3 Responses

  1. mazel tov!! who ever gave money for the sefer has a very big zechus. Is the RAV bringing the sefer to his house or is he keeping in his shul?

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