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Neturei Karta have another Jew hating friend

nksalleh1.jpgnksalleh2.jpgnksalleh3.jpg(Click on images to ENLARGE them.) Islamic Movement leader Sheikh Raed Salah can now also count himself among Neturei Karta’s friends, as seen earlier today when six members of Neturei Karta arrived in east Jerusalem to show their support for Salah at his protest tent pitched in the Wadi Joz neighborhood. 

Earlier this month Salah was arrested at the Mugrabi excavation site after forcibly breaking through the police line guarding the area along with several of his followers. A court slapped him with a restraining order and he has since maintained the required 500 feet distance from the walls of the Old City.

During the visit, Yisroel Hirsch gave a rallying speech expressing his support for Salah, who also spoke at the meeting.

“The Zionists have no right to change Jerusalem,” Hirsch told Ynet on Tuesday. He also said that Salah and his followers greeted the Neturei Karta members “with joy and warmth.”

According to Hirsch, Salah said in his speech that Muslims harbor no hatred towards Jews but rather that all the problems stem from the behavior of the “Zionist establishment.”

(Perhaps Mr. Hirsch can enlighten us, and explain why Erez Levanon HY”D, was R”L brutally murdered on Sunday by Arab terrorists. –YW Editor.)


24 Responses

  1. The same reason they killed Jews in The Chevron Yeshiva in 1929 – If you engage people in battle they will fight back. They can’t really tell who is a ziony and who isn’t so they group all Jews as zionim (racism). All the N”K are doing is trying to make it known that there are alot of Jews that are not associated with the zionim. They DON”T KNOW HOW TO GO ABOUT DOING IT AND YES THEY MADE A CHILUL HASHEM GOING TO IRAN. This is a bit different. (Note: Yisroel Hirsch did not go to Iran nor did his father). They are not together with the other clowns who use the Hirsch’s for propaganda.

  2. Ohhhhhh, how can we eat? How can we sleep? The Karta boogeyman is baaaaaccckkk!

    Sheesh. Can they just be ignored? Attention is what they crave. Or will they win, and the world come to a crashing halt, if we ignore them?

  3. I agree with Itzik_s, there a very few nks outr there however there unfotunately are people liek joenj34. You cannot give the nks g’recht. The vile actions they take are dangerous to Klal Yisroel!

  4. while they go about their agenda like a bunch of wackos they may have a point this time do we really need or even want this construction to make it easier for people to be chayav koreis and to help the arab shualim hilchu ba

  5. If they could come up with at least ONE accepted Daas Torah or Godol, chassidish, litvish or other, who guides them in their insanity, it wouldn’t be so insane.

  6. balhabos – don’t you understand – they think that they are the godolim, they think that they represent Daas Torah – everybody else should listen to them! these nk’ers are twisted individuals.

    joenj34 – your posts make no sense whatsoever. if I read into your first post the essence of what you say is that nk is right and they are just a bunch of politically inept people, kind hearted, just going about it wrong.
    These nk’ers associate with those that want to kill ALL Jews and are pleased with the warm embrace they receive from THEM. Who would you rather hug – your fellow Jew, or the one who wants to kill you and your fellow Jew?

  7. balhabos, if daas torah or your rav gave a haskomah to go to Iran or spend time with terrorosts in east jerusalem – you don’t think that would be insane? You think that would remove some of the insanity?
    Think before you post.

  8. the gedolem should put n”k in cherem !!!!!!! & then no 1 will care what they(n”k)do- bec.there r a lot of meshgoem out there…….

  9. While I know we all want to put our opinions out there, by doing so we dont realize that we are giving NK the attention they want, and we are falling victim to their level of stupidity. It is not worth analyzing and getting ourselves angry, in dealing with these twisted, cholei nefesh, who as far as I am concerned are not part of klal yisroel, and have no chelek in yerushas eretz yisroel. Let us not forget that these people do not learn torah or grow in avodas hashem and try to help out klal yisroel- but rather they spend their time in this world, embracing all those who continue to give klal yisroel their bigges tzoros- I know it is frustrating when we all want to bring the geulah and all these people do is merachek the geula by acting exactly against what the torah expects from us. Nu-its extremely painful.

  10. irv bocher -I am sure they have been put in cherem already. That will not stop them nor will it have any less affect on the Jewish community. They can be in cherem and still do what they are doing, they obviously have no respect for klal yisrael and putting them in cherem won’t change anything.

  11. it was the mayor of yeruslaim (lupleanski) the stoped the work 3 weeks ago so they won’t be a chillul hasem in the(arab) world! he said the work was illgal & had no permet but the goverment ( state of israel ( ziyonim)) overrid him!! the mayor do not do without R’ Elyasuv so nk has R’ elyasuv haskumah that the arabs r right.

  12. to all who hate NK:
    think about mizrache the took frum homes -& made them half frum . they said yidishkit as we knew it in the alter haim is over.
    think about the zionist school ed.
    over1000000 kid go every day to a school full of kfirah the grow up not ‘knowing’ there was a moshe rabaynu & avrohum avinu only the singers & acters. they more about yushkee & buddah then the torah ! they are yidish kinder bnei avrohom….. their grandfathers were moser nefesh for yidishkit & the zionish are smad’ing 1000000+ kid for 60 years ???? &who are u angry at “NK ” becouse (they are a little zimished) they were told as kids to (actuly) hate the zionist for what they are doing ?? when hitler was killing 6000000 we suported stalin? didn’t we? was that also a chilul hasem? the zionist are killing1000000+ a day !
    yes! a day! ” godol hamachtiah ‘yoser’ mi ha’horgo” (one who make his friend do an averoh is worse to if he kills him)

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