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Rav Yankel Landau ZATZAL

candle31.gifThe Lakewood community & the entire Yeshivaworld are deeply saddened by the news of the Petira of R’ Yankel Landau ZATZAL (after a long illness). The Levaya will take place at BMG at 9:00AM & at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Bayone NJ at 12:00PM. [The Kevura will be in Monsey.] He leaves behind a wife, large family, and hundreds of Talmidim. Boruch Dayan Emmes…..

21 Responses

  1. This was a real EVED HASHEM, totally elevated from the desires of this world. A man that only desired TORAH and AVODAH.
    May this be the last tzaddik taken before his time!!
    Boruch Dayan Emmes!!

  2. Rav Yankel Landau was a Tzaddik even from the early days of his youth he was always a good it is hard to speak about him in past tense

    He should be a melitz yosher to his entire family and all of klall Yisroel this is very sad he was a young man 46 years old

  3. yes I think he did- he was a rebbe in Bayone. His mother lives in monsey- leaves behind a large family. May Hashem comfort them in this hard time.

  4. boruch dayan emes – a real eved h’ – large fam includes a set of twins, and a set of quadruplets bla’h – with 4 daughters in highschool

  5. He is originally from Detroit, where his father was a caterer. Was in Telshe Chicago for High School, then went to Philly for Beis Medrash. Has ben a Rebbe in Bayonne. 6 kids, I think. 4 of them are quads. A Ba’al Midos Tovos and and anav of the highest order. He has also been a ba’al yesurim noraim in recent years. You may recognize the name Yaakov Eliezer ben Leah from Choleh lists.

  6. I think that ‘correction’ needs to be CORRECTED.
    Rav Ya’akov Eliezer Landau ZT”L was from Detroit and learnt altz bochur in Lakewood has lived in LAKEWOOD since his chasunah 18 years ago. He has a brother SHLITA living in Monsey who is Mashgiach in Peekskill Yeshiva. His mother also currently lives in Monsey. He has another brother as well. So when ‘sechel’ asked ‘did he live in Monsey?’ I think it was a terrible mistake for someone to write ‘yes I think he did’ since he brother boruch Hashem is alive and well. (It IS correct that R’ Ya’akov was 11th grade Rebbe in Bayonne for many years.)

  7. Boruch dayan emes. A great loss. Cared about every talmid like his own child.
    Does anyone know his father’s hebrew name,
    Yaakov Eliezer ben ___________?

  8. He was a super lamdan and talmid chacham; a very calm person in the face of suffering; a great baal bitachon; remarkable baal avodah; midos tovos; a quiet sense of humor. Really a very special person.

  9. he lived in lakewood my sister is freinds with his doughters nebach the oldest is like 15 years old a house full of yesomin my we see the geuolo shortly amen

  10. He is also the son-in-law of Harav Asher Yeshayahu Siegfried, shlit”a, who is one of the ninth grade Rebbeim in Mesivta Chaim Berlin for the past many years and still. Yehi Zichro Boruch.

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