R’ Melech Schechter ZATZAL

candle3.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Rav Melech Schechter ZATZAL this morning. Rav Schachter was a Talmid Chochom, Rov, and Magid Shiur in Yeshivas Rabeinu Yitzchok Elchonon, and Father of Horav Hershel Schachter Shlita. Levaya is scheduled for 1PM on Tuesday from the Beis Medrash of YU, at 186th and Amsterdam Ave. Boruch Dayan Emmes…..

7 Responses

  1. Yes, yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitchak Elchanan is RIETS (Rabbi Issac Elchana Theological Seminary).

    Rav Melech z’tl was a gentle man of towering intellect. I had the zechus to be in a semicha shiur with him during the years that I attended law school. The deepest kavod was displayed by bochurim throughout the yeshiva, and I recall the times that he ate with us in the yeshiva dining room on Shabbos or Yom Tov when his son, Rav Hershel Schacter and his family, joined us.

    Every yeshiva boasts gedolim whose mere presence enhances the beis medresh. Rav Melech zt’l carried the grandeur of Torah with dignity.

    Baruch Dayan Emes.

  2. I had the opportunity of driving Rav Melech Schachter zt”l every Friday back and forth from Brooklyn to RIETS for one year.

    As telegrok said, Rav Melech Schachter was an anav of the highest degree who had a love of talmidim that knew no bounds. He took his job as a Rav with the utmost seriousness and had a sensitivity that was unmatched. His pure body of knowledge was something that was unmatched. He was a jewel of a person, who by his everyday conduct served as an example to us all.

    Baruch Dayan Emes.

  3. My name is Miriam Steinberg Zughaft , I am the eldest of the twelve grandchildren of Reb Melech zt”l . We where extremly close and I had an outstanding childhood of yiddishkeit inplanted in me having him live upstairs in the same household . The daily one on one learnign of torah helping me with my homework and the the teachings of what it is to have true derech eretz, from both him and my dear grandmother Rebetzin Chaya Schachter alh”s . There are so many, many interesting stories to tell about his place in our family and how he loved each grandchild and great grandchild with unconditioanl love. The message I would like to share with the oyloim if I had to choose just one line of his would be the following. “When I was a young Rabbi they would reffer to me as Reb Melech and my son Herschel as the son of Reb Melech. Now I am reffered as the father of Reb Herschel .” This was a big nachas for him and an example of many situations of his Aneavous.

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