Under My Chuppah Tomorrow, I’ll Daven Not To Go Hungry


My name is Rachie, and this Monday is my wedding day. Because of a heart defect that I’ve had since birth, my family is very poor. I have had open heart surgery twice, and will have to continue to do special expensive treatments. Baruch Hashem, now I get a chance to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel.

But I’m embarrassed to say that even this close to my wedding date, I still don’t have the basics that a kallah needs. We simply can’t afford the things that are needed to start a home in comfort & security. From clothing for sheva brachos, to a fridge to store our food, my chassan & I will start our life in poverty. 


My dream is a simple one: That I can start a new home and family, without being afraid of going hungry.  If you are able to help us, there are no words for how grateful I would be. 

Thank you so much, have a beautiful shabbos, and you should be blessed to enjoy simchas without the pain of poverty.

The time is coming very soon when I will daven for you under my chuppah.



One Response

  1. What’s this recent idea all over YWN of posting actual pictures of needy people and esspecially children?

    It’s terrible!!!!!

    Who is guiding these people and telling them to drop all humility to raise money.
    Klal yisrael been raising millions of dollars for years without actually posting the kids with very depressing slogans.
    Whoever is helping these people and in charge of thier campaign should help people with class and not handle them cheap because you raising money for them.
    What do these kids feel like knowing thier sad face is all over the Internet begging for money.

    This is not and was never our way!!!!!

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