Rav Galai To Daven Tomorrow at Famous Michelstadt Kever, Limited Space on Tefila List Available

For one week only, Jews around the world are taking part in an unbelievable opportunity: To be davened for by two of the holiest talmidei chachamim in the world, at a European kever known for its tremendous nissim.

Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky has sent Rav Shimon Galai as a special shaliach to daven at the holy & famous kever of The Baal Shem of Michelstadt. Davening at this specific location is a known segulah for shidduchim and children. Those who have visited the kever of the Baal Shem of Michelstadt have told of unbelievable nissim.

Those who have the zechus to add their name now will be davened for at the kever by Rav Shimon Galai himself. Select donors will also be davened for by Rav Chaim Kanievsky, during a special mishaberach this shabbos.

There can only be 400 names on the list.


Kupat Ha’Ir, who launched the campaign, released the following statement for potential donors: “Bez”H in the zechus of your hishtadlus and generosity, and in the zechus of the powerful and transformative prayers to shomayim of three tzaddikim, two in this world & one in the next, Rav Shimon Galai, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, and the Baal Shem of Michelstadt himself, you and your loved ones should receive the yeshuos you need.”

The Rav will only be in Michelstadt until the end of the week. Donors are urged not to wait, as space on the list is limited and invaluable.

Space on the list is limited.



6 Responses

  1. Take a tehillim in your own house and pray with devotion , you can askhashem for anything u want, no need for these money making schemes. קרוב השם לכל קראיו לכל אשר יקראו באמת

  2. Dont try to be all geshmak,there are gemaras that talk about the power of kivrei tzadikim, so dont downplay something that is backed by gedolim!!! Careful before you say anything negative! And ALSO TAKE A TEHILLIM!!!
    We need mashiach quickly so davenhard and strive for shalom

  3. I think they also take names of people who need their help. So even though Kupas HaIr has critics they should be supported. Besides look how far the community has grown spiritually. Once upon a time the only way to raise money was with raffles and dinners, and now people donate for the privilege of having an ehrliche Yid and mekubal daven for them at a holy place.

  4. To Nos. 2 and 3

    To many yidden, the whole concept of “pay for pray” strikes a very negative note and sounds like the goyish concept from the middle-ages where wealthy individuals would pay the local bishops for absolution of their sins and implicit authorization to engage in untziniusdik behavior and all sorts of Pritzus. Save your money from these potential scams, and stay at home and daven with kavanah.

  5. Gadol Hadorah,

    Your posts continue to amaze me. If you haven’t noticed,We live in a society where people want things for giving.

    Gadol Hadorah, in the Reform shul where you doven, don’t they have raffles or lotteries? Have you heard of Chinese auctions?

    A lot of people have trouble with the mitzvah of tzedakah, and ahavta yerecha kamocha. They probably spend 9 dollars on a coffee and bagel for snack. Maybe they will choose instead to give 9 bucks to Yad halachim or tzedakah. Someone who is coerced-lo leshma into doing a mitzvah, will end up doing it leshma.

    Yad Halachim saves Jewish neshamas. . Your words help destroy them

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