Hamas calls off truce with Israel

hamas1.jpgHamas’s Qassam Brigades have declared an end to a ceasefire with Israel, according to a statement released on Wednesday evening. The call to end the truce appeared on Hamas’s official website , in both English and Arabic, and is the first time in months that Palestinian armed forces directly under the control of the Hamas government openly threatened to attack Israel.

A spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, said in the statement that “the truce with the Israeli occupation is no longer valid,” citing the “assassination of Islamic Jihad commander” Mahmoud Qassem as the reason.

The “assassination” took place this morning as reported on YW HERE.

(YW was wondering, if the “truce” was still in effect last evening when Hamas (AKA animals) sent a suicide bomber on a mission into Tel Aviv to harm innocent civillians?!)

(Source: Ynet)

5 Responses

  1. What truce, when have they stopped trying to kill us.

    Let them all unite and become one body and one heart, so that H”B can destroy them all as he did for us at the Yam Suf.

    With the reading of Parsha Zachor on next shabbos quickly followed on sunday Purim day by Melchamas Amalek, May we all be zochor to the coming of Moshiach NOW

  2. real klur, let’s be real klur: they did not say that they would recognize all treaties; they only agreed to “respect” them. Condi wasn’t fooled; you shouldn’t be either.

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