Terrorist who sent bomber gets eliminated by IDF

Earlier this morning, the IDF killed the senior Islamic Jihad terrorist in Jenin who ordered a suicide bombing attack on the Tel Aviv Central bus station Tuesday night. Authorities caught the suicide bomber in a Bat Yam apartment prior to bombing his target.

Information from the would-be suicide bomber led to the elimination of Mahmoud Abu al-Jahim, who had prepared the bomb. Border Guard officers stopped the terrorist in his white Subaru car and shot him dead when he pulled out his M-16 semi-automatic rifle. He had been on the wanted list for more than two years.

(Source: INN)

6 Responses

  1. That word “eliminated” is a nice diplomatic way of couching it. I’m glad you gave the-how they eliminated-, in the body of the article.

  2. The need to cross examine the bombers is the only way to get to the “Brain” killer, laying in the dark ready to send another idiot with a belt on his/her way.

  3. One would have to assume that some rather “strong interrogation techniques” (torture) were used – with a positive outcome. I would ask the supporters of the Democratic Party if they feel that the Democrats move to place severe limits on the United States’ ability to use these techniques has not endangered the government’s ability to defend us. I of course understand that the Democrats did this not for political purposes but only because of their high regard for the sanctity of human life and dignity (unless of course the human is Terry Schiavo or happens to be in a mother’s womb)

  4. GOM –

    maybe we should just throw the terrorists into the pile of furry animals in China that are awaiting skinning – I’m sure that one the peeling process starts, they’ll start singing!

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