Yeshivaworld News roundup 2/20/07

yw%20logo1.jpgTonight will be the Chasunah of the son of Rav Abba Gorelick Shlita R”Y South Fallsburg to the daughter of Rav Eli Gradman of Lakewood. The Chasunah is taking place in Lakewood at Bais Faiga Hall.

Tonight will be the Chasunah of the daughter of Rav Herschel Zolty Shlita R”Y in the Mirrer Yeshiva to the son of Rav Chaim Mendel Brodsky Shlita of Toronto taking place in Ateres Shlomo Hall in Boro Park.

Tonight will be the Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisroel’s 24th Annual Dinner taking place at Shaarei Tzion at 2030 Ocean Parkway.

There will be a Kabolas Ponim tonight in Lakewood for Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel Shlita R”Y Mir Yerushalayim, who has arrived from E”Y. The Kabolas Ponim will I”H take place at 8:30PM in Yeshiva K’tana Hall.

Last night Shneuer Yurkansky, the son of Rav Avrohom Yurkansky Shlita RAM in Lakewood and an Einikle of Hageon Rav Elya Yurkansky ZATZAL R”Y Mir, became a Choson to the daughter of Rav Zev Smith.

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