bone marrow1.jpgRY_poster.jpgUPDATED 2/20/07 3:00PM: The Lakewood R”Y, Rav Malkiel Kotler Shlita in a personal letter is asking everyone in Lakewood over the age of 18 that has not been tested in the past 10 years for a possible bone marrow match, to please get tested. There are R”L two people who are in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant. 

Chai Lifeline of Lakewood will be doing the testing on Monday and Tuesday, in the BMG new building lobby and Chaburah Room. And for men and women Monday in the Hatzalah Garage on County Line from 12-10. The test is just a mouth swab.

To read an amazing story of a Lakewood Yungerman who saved a fellow Jews life with a bone marrow transplant a few months ago (reported on Yeshivaworld) click HERE.

UPDATE: The Chai Lifeline office in Lakewood will be doing testing today (Tuesday) until 5:00PM for LADIES. Please get tested!!! The address is 719 Clifton Avenue between 1st and 2nd Street (732)-719-1700

26 Responses

  1. and if they call u that u r a match don’t hesitate. it is 99% a yid & htalas nefosos. there is also an issuer of lon samod al dam reacuh

  2. 1) if you get called, the first time it is for round 2 of testing meaning that you are closer to being a donor. round 2 will determine if you are close enough for additional testing in the 3rd and final round – the 3rd round determines the match (this is the way it was when I registered – I received and performed the test for the round 2 test kit ~7 years ago. didn’t make it to round 3)
    2) most blood banks will do the marrow test and submit to the national organization. check if you have questions
    3) q-tips??? they no longer draw blood? I gave blood for both the first and 2nd rounds – maybe they have improved the process since then.

    I called the marrow donor organization today to see if they still had me in their roles and they did. I signed up close to 15 years ago. If you did sign up several years ago – call them to make sure that your contact information is still accurate (address, phone number, email)

  3. smeel reb eliyashev disagrees with u.. look into it..!! murun hagoan says unless u know 100 percent that its a yid not 99 its completely ussor..

  4. The following is a copy and paste from the website I referenced in a previous post from the “Contact Us” link:

    There are many ways to contact the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP).

    To contact us by US Postal mail or by telephone, use the information below.

    US Postal Mail Address:
    National Marrow Donor Program
    Suite 500
    3001 Broadway Street Northeast
    Minneapolis, MN 55413-1753

    Phone Numbers:
    In the United States and Canada, call toll free:

    General Information: (800) MARROW2 (1-800-627-7692)
    The Office of Patient Advocacy (OPA): (888) 999-6743

    Outside the United States:

    General Information: (612) 627-5800
    The Office of Patient Advocacy (OPA): (612) 627-8140

    end of copy and paste.

    there is another section in the website that allows you to enter your personal information and check to see if they have you in the registry.

    this area is called: “Confirm You Are on the Registry” it will take you through a series of questions and they will send you an email after completing the questions.

  5. Rabbi Sruli Fried is a man who works for the klal, day and night. There is never a cause that he will not drop everthing he is doing to help out. His devotion to all Yidden is legendary. Halivai there would be more like him.

  6. Donating Bone Marrow has become more similified over the years, and not a sakanah at all,,,
    eggywegs You might be stating a pisok of many years ago.

  7. Eggy wegs,
    You should think twice before (anonymously) quoting a psak (which may or may not be accurate) that might discourage someone from potentially saving another yid’s life. With regard to the question itself, I personally asked a world-renowned posek, who said that I should go ahead with the testing (and the marrow donation, if necessary), since “ein holchin b’nefashos achar harov.” And by the way, normally when a match is found the potential donor is NOT told anything about the patient’s religion etc. (although the chances are pretty good that a Jew will be matched to another Jew).

  8. This is pathetic. “There are R”L two people”. There are unfortunately many more then 2. The blood of a Lakewooder is not redder then the blood of a regular yid.

  9. To:Boruchw-You might have missed a bit of the point here.”Desperate” is the key word here.These 2 people are in dire need to a bone marrow within a couple of weeks.That is why there is this special need at this moment.These tests have got to be in the lab in a few days.

  10. what I find pathetic is that someone has to go negative in this thread

    – we had a drive over 15 years ago in Monsey in the Yeshiva of Spring Valley – all walks of Jewish Monsey turned out to be registered. I don’t remember where the individual was from that caused this turnout, however, when you register, you register WORLDWIDE. B’Ezrat HaShem a match will be found quickly for all the Yidden that are on the wait lists.

  11. To BORUCHW- The Hospital Said That They Need All The Lab Resalts In 10 Days . These People Are In Desperate Need Of A Bone Marrow Or StemCell Transplant … Just To Let You Know Each LabTest Costs $100. The Family Raised $200,000 . ‘ Gift Of Life’ Is Giving Another $50,000 . Total Of $250,000 – That’s 2500 Lab Tests !!! But Unfortunately It’s A Drop Of Water In The Ocean ,Of Chances Finding A Match , But We Have To Do Our HISHTADLUS .

  12. Around 5 years ago they had a similar drive in Lakewood. A few months ago I got a call that I might be a match, and after further testing (a blood test done in local lab) I was indeed a match. The whole process of donating stem cells was just a few shots, a few days of uncofortableness, and going to a hospital to draw the stem cells (2 days – 3 hours each day attached to a machine ).
    I still have no idea to whom I donated the stem cells, I don’t even know if he’s a yid (most probably he is), but the statistics say that anyone who is in the situation that they need the transplant, if they don’t receive one. they have less than a 15% chance of surviving! (sometimes when they are desperate, they do a transplant from someone who is not a perfect match…)

  13. eggy wegs , What’s The Chances That A China Man Will Be A Match ? ? ? 0 , Zero , EFES , Null . 25% Of The Time They Find A Match Within The Family , If Not They Have To Go Outside The Family . They’re Looking For Jews From Eastern Europe (ASHKENAZIM) Hopefully To Find A Match .After All Me And You Are 25th Cousins !

  14. To Eggy wegs: The World Data Base For Bone Marrow Is Over A Million People And No Match So Far . So What The Chance That ben-chom Will Be A Match To A ben-Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov ???

  15. To All the Chosuve Posters on the article and all over the site:

    There are many people who are NOT Ohavei Yisroel who Google the word Lakewood to find what the heimisha are saying .

    Please Please use your sechel when posting…..Would you want it in an lengthy article about OUR attitudes in the Asbury Park Press or NYT?

    Please THINK before you post a comment. This is not a private shmooz. it is open for all the world to see, and your comments will be visible to anyone (!) for a long long time. You have NO IDEA who is reading what we say and is just looking for an opprtunity to quote us out of context.

  16. BoruchW:

    This is not pathetic. Please stop criticizing our gedolim.

    Also, get your facts straight. If you had actually bothered to read the letter, you would see that one of the intended recipients is from Toronto, ON. Last time I checked, it was a good 550 miles from Lakewood to Toronto.

    May we never know of such illnesses.

  17. if u dont believe me its fine!!!! 100% fine!! i’m not making it up and it has nothing to do with sakana its a halacha that a persont is not allowed to make a chavallah in himself!!! there is a hetter to do it if ur a 100% percent sure that it is for a jew not 99% and thats what he poskind a year and ahalf ago for a member of my family u dont have to take my word for it… call up or go to the gaddal hador himself…and i’m not saying that there r no poskim that disagree with him! I’M NOT SAYING ITS OSSUR!!! i’m just saying what he poskind so dont take it lightly and do ur own research and make more educated decisions!!
    i promice u all..i dont want chas veshalom anyone to die cause they cant get the bone marrow.. i’m just saying over a psok!!!

  18. its not my psok guys!!!!!!! reaserch it urself call up reb eliyashev!!!!!! why u bashing me???? do u think reb eliyashev just made a psok like that blindly??? u think he wants a yid to chas veshalom die??? comon??? we live our lives by the torah not by what we THINK and dont THINK is right… if he made a psok like that maybe he has a good reason for it!!! he knows more gemarah and more meforshim and more halachah and more about what hashem wants from us than all of us on yeshiva world together!!!! i’m not telling anyone not to get tested!!! i was just telling over what he told my brother.. u can take it or ignore it!! but u dont have to tell me that its a davar she i efsher al yiday achirim and all that..i’m sure the gadol hadar knows that!!

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