When History Of The Return Of Yiddishe Neshomos In The Former Soviet Union Is Written Will You Be Part Of It?! Join The Russian Revolution – Today!

IMG_9080To kindhearted and generous Yidden throughout the world!

Eastern Europe is today a popular destination for Yidden throughout the world who wish to view a world that once lived there, and to be mispallel at the מקומות הקדושים.

And right there; between the exalted resting places of the Chofetz Chaim and the Vilna Ga’on, in proximity to the yeshivos that once illuminated the world—such as The Mir, Volozhyn and Grodno—surrounded by shtetlach where tzaddikim, and ge’onei olam once served their communities of pious yidden, one comes face to face with a flame that refused to be extinguished.

Despite a sustained campaign of 70 years to remove any shred of yiddishkeit from the Jews of the Former Soviet Union, there exist today thriving mosdos haTorah in the town of Pinsk, Belarus under the banner of Mosdos Yad Yisroel.

Even much before 1989, Harav Shmuel Dishon shlit”a traveled to that area with mesirus nefesh, at the behest of the Stoliner Rebbe. Since that time he has dedicated himself to the establishment of these institutions that continue to defy reality.

To see this miraculous revival is to witness the fulfillment of כי לא תשכח מפי זרעו, Torah will not be forgotten from Klal Yisroel no matter how far flung they are. One can see the innocent faces of these boys and girls who are learning more and more about their precious heritage—taught to them by the tireless and indefatigable Rabbi Moshe Fhima, a beloved talmid and chavrusa of Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, zatzal who was urged by the Rosh Yeshivah in the strongest of terms to travel to that strange land and bring back the neshamos of Belarus—where his own zeides had once lived and thrived in Mir which is a short distance away.

Today Yad Yisroel carries the burden of hundreds of students in boys and girls schools—as well as a kollel for yungeleit—in both Kiev and Pinsk. They have done so quietly, with mesirus nefesh since the moment that a crack appeared in the Iron Curtain.

Today, the fruits of that labor adorn communities throughout the world, and hundreds of beautiful Torah homes have been built, with the next generation following their parents with love and with purity.

Yad Yisroel needs YOUR help to continue bearing this tremendous undertaking!

Let us together join them in our responsibility to our brethren who are the true definition of תינוק שנשבה

A Charidy campaign will be taking place TODAY, Tuesday from 12:00 noon, for 24 hours. During this time, every dollar that you contribute will be quadrupled! We have 24 hours to give a boost to this tremendous work!

These neshamos are all of our responsibility!

We can make a tremendous difference in the lives of these Yidden!
Let us together change the face of Yiddishkeit in the Former Soviet Union and ensure the future generations are a pride to Klal Yisroel!

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