UK – Police get Guide on Judaism

Police stations across the UK have been sent a new guide which aims to explain to police officers the laws and traditions of Judaism.

The publication, A Police Officer’s Guide To Judaism, has been produced by the Community Security Trust (CST) follows requests from serving officers who wish to know more about Jewish life in a bid to help them engage better with members of the Jewish community.

“We are regularly asked by police officers how they should behave when entering a synagogue, or why Orthodox Jews cannot call to report a crime on the Sabbath,” said CST director of communications Mark Gardner. “It is vital that all officers understand the basic tenets of our religion, so that they can provide an effective and sensitive service to the community.”
Among the topics covered are dietary laws, holidays and death and burial.

5 Responses

  1. Really nice idea. Not to throw a damper on this, but I genuinely wonder whether this actually followed publication of a booklet explaining Muslim religion laws.

  2. the C S T has nothing to do with frum jews its run by a bunch of reform and librel nutters i used to be a member and left for that reason

  3. I hope it includes an explanation of the customs and sensitivities of the Frum Jewsis community, not just the Jewish community at large.

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