Lupolianski stops Kosel construction

lupolianski.jpgAccording to the Jerusalem Post, following consultations with Attorney General Menachem Mazuz and Muslim and Jewish leaders, Yerushalayim Mayor, Uri Lupolianski decided to postpone the renovation work until zoning authorities complete drafting plans for the Mugrabi Gate area.

He also opened the construction plan at the Kosel to public debate, saying that given the sensitivity of the situation such a debate would ensure total transparency to all concerned parties. The public forum will be held under the auspices of the local Committee for building and planning.


14 Responses

  1. Do they actually think that because of this forum they are going to stop anyone of the mumzarim from rioting, and using the retarded notion that we are trying to destroy there building.
    They just using an excuse to fight us, and have pity from the u.n

  2. Do they actually think that because of this forum they are going to stop anyone of the mumzarim from rioting, and using the retarded notion that we are trying to destroy there building.
    They just using an excuse to fight us, and have pity from the u.n.

  3. Raboisai! let’s not just talk tough shooting from the hip without thinking like a cowboy from Texas. Think what this is all about! A ramp onto the Har Habayis which will need to be built by tema’im being oiver on kares. For what purpose- so tema’im and shu’alim can go on the Har Habayis. With the Arabs using this as an excuse to riot, it will cause more kares to ensure safety and will prevent people from davening at the Kosel. Is this really worth it? Hashem can take care of how we will get up when mehairo yiboneh hamikdosh.

  4. realklur
    Police and security forces need to ascend to the Mt. frequently,,,for that reason alone it should be fixed ASAP. plus the women whose tefilos we depend on have no room to daven, due to the excavations and rubbish.

  5. R’ Uri Lupoliansky is just too decent and aidel for the job. He does not seem strong enough to counter the garbage that is so much a part of politics. We need more of an askan/macher/hondler along the lines of Meir Porush in the mayor’s office, and R’ Uri should go back to the tremendous Kiddush Hashem that he does through running Yad Sarah.

    Still, all told, b’nei Torah are far better off with Lupoliansky than with any of the other choices at the time.

  6. Give Reb Uri a break, rabbosai! He’s the only chareidi who’s managed to have a civilized dialogue with the sharatzim who are running (that is, RUINING) our land. He wrote a nice thing in the JPost about the parade, as I recall. A little late, but I’m sure he was busy with a lot of more important things, like MAKING SURE IT DIDN”T INFEST our ir hakodesh.

    And, oh, Caroline Glick is just writing in the last day or so about how the ARAB world is marketing this as an excuse for war. She shows where they’re escalating, setting up ammunitions, and says Al Jazeera is blasting Islamic war cries from the Temple Mount. So let’s leave the governing to Reb Uri, and give him all our tefillos and support.

  7. Salami effect
    Stop construction at old city
    Stop transportation to Mama Rochel
    Let them have Chevron-dont upset Arabs
    Leave Nvei Yakov since Arabs are rioting
    Start packing to leave Beitar too many Arabs around
    Yeshivos in East Jerusalem are obstacles to PEACE
    Jews out of Israel and back to Shanghai!!

  8. Another reason frum yidden should stear clear of polotics: They always have to show favoritism towards an opposing view – even terrorists…

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