Yeshivaworld News roundup 2/11/07

yw%20logo.jpgThe GAVAD Eidah Hachareidis Shlita will be visiting Lakewood today. There will be a Kabolas Ponim at 6:00PM in Bais Mordche on Heathwood.

Maran Hagoen Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita will be giving a Shiur at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Great Neck I”H this afternoon.

Tonight will be the 16th Annual Shuvu Dinner taking place in Ateres Chaya hall in Boro Park.

This morning there was a Siyum Hashas in Lakewood in the B”M Sanz Klausenberg Bihishtatfus Rav Yeruchum Olson Shlita R”Y Lakewood.

Tonight will be the Vort for a granddaughter of Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Shlita (Lakewood Mashgiach) taking place in England. The Kallah is a daughter of Rav Yackov Yehuda Solomon Shlita Mashgiach of Yeshiva Gedolah of Gateshead.

Tonight is the Annual Dinner for the Bensalem Kollel & Outreach Center taking place in Torah V’yirah Hall in Boro Park. Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky Shlita will be the guest speaker.

Rav Avrohom Aberhelder Shlita Rov of K’hal Zichron Moshe in Miami Beach Florida will be visiting Philadelphia Yeshiva today.

Tonight will be the Annual Dinner to benefit Yeshiva Nesivos Chaim taking place in Ateres Shlomo Hall.

Tonight will be the Dinner for the Los Angeles Lakewood Kollel taking place in the L.A. Marriott.

Tonight will be the Dinner for Yeshiva & Mesivta Meor Yitzchok taking place in Ateres Charna Hall in Spring Valley.

There will be a Parlor meeting to benifit Boney Olam at 1022 Rose Street Far Rockaway, NY.

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