Kosel: Despite pressure construction to continue

temple mount.jpgWith excavations in the Kosel area continuing despite pressure on Israel to cease the construction, police will limit entrance to Muslim worshippers on the Temple Mount on Sunday out of concern for continued possible disruptions in the area. 16 Palestinians were arrested today for throwing rocks at police during protests against the work.

5 Responses

  1. Stop construction, never! We must continue to clear away all the rubbish that has acumalted over the years. i.e. the dome of the rock,
    Clear it all away for how else can we rebuild the Beis Hamikdash, if we do not clear the land down to its original foundation.
    If H”B wiils it then we will be successfull but we cannot give in to the real monkeys and pigs of world, expell the arabs from our land not JEWS.

    May we all merit the coming of Moshiah, NOW!

  2. It’s not the excavations that will bring Moshiach, my friend.
    I just hope Gedolim are being consulted along the way, to make sure no Issirim are being committed.

  3. Im just happy that we are not yielding to the arabs demands and showing that if they act like a bunch of dogs that we will do what they tell us to do.

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