Yeshivaworld news roundup 2/09/07

yw logo.jpgRav Nechemya Kaplan Shlita R”Y Shaar Hatalmud from E”Y will be spending Shabbos in BP.

R’ Revuen Aron Farichiter Shlita Shoel Umeyshiv in Yeshivas Bais Hatalmud will be making a Shalom Zachor in his home I”H tonight.

The Dushinsky Rebbe from Yerushalayim is spending Shabbos in Flatbush staying at the home of R’ Abish Mandel. The Rebbe will be davening on Friday night at Rabbi Alsters Shul 3304 Bedford Avenue, on Shabbos Morning at Agudah of Avenue L 2913 Avenue L, and Mincha & Seudah Shlishis at Rabbi Laundays Shul Avenue L and East 9th. The Friday night Tish will take place at the Veretzky Mesivta 1249 East 18th Street at 8:30.

The Shabbos Hisvasdus of Yeshivas Veyalipol will be taking place in the Raleigh Hotel in the Catskills.

K’hal Me’or Chaim on Miller Road will be having their Chanukas Habayis Melava Malka this M”S in Lakewood at their new building at  270 Miller Road 8:30PM.

This M”S there will be a Yom Zikoron for the Manchester R”Y Hagoen Rav Yehuda Zev Segal ZATZAL in Lakewood at Yeshiva Keren Hhatorah 3rd and Princton at 10:00PM.

This M”S there will be a Parlor meeting for the Yeshiva of Rav Nechemya Kaplan in Lakewood at Bais Mordche on Heathwood at 9:00PM. The R”Y will be speaking at 10:15PM.

Rav Avremel Ausband Shlita R”Y Riverdale will be spending Shabbos at the Yeshiva Meon Hatorah of Roosevelt NJ.

This Shabbos Rav Twersky Shlita The Milwalke Rebbe will be spending Shabbos at the Agudas Yisroel of Bayswater and will conducting the Tishim in the Agudah. On M”S He will making a Melava Malka at the BBY Hall in Far Rockaway with Reb Abish Brodt singing Z’miros.

This M”S will be the annual dinner for Yeshivas Zichron Meir of Mountaindale taking place at the Ocean Terrace on OP and Avenue L at 8:30PM.

Tonight will be the Shalom Zachor for an Einikle of Rav Eliyahu Kahana, Rosh Kollel Gavoah Imrei Cohen at his Kollel 510 Avenue M which is Rabbi Herbst Shul. The Einikle was born to his Eidim R’ Shlomo Stimmler.

This Shabbos there will be a Kiruv Shabbos at Yeshiva Torah Temimah. Speakers will include Rav Yisroel Belsky Shlita and Rav Avrohom Schorr Shlita.

The GAVAD Eidah Hachareidis Shlita will be visiting Lakewood on Sunday. There will be a Kabolas Ponim at 6:00PM in Bais Mordche on Heathwood.

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