Anti-Semitism spread by YouTube

you tube.jpgYouTube, world’s first place for searching videos, is full of videos denying the Holocaust. One of these videos shows under the headline “Housewitz – Tanzen macht frei” (“Housewitz – Dancing relieves”; Housewitz the style of Auschwitz) one of the frightfulliest concentration camps ever. It goes on with some slogans such as “7,000,000 party people”, “3 Days of non-stopping partying” and “Hot showers (free)”.

But there are also some anti-Semitism videos which want to show us the “reality” of a Jewish world domination. Of course, it’s nonsense. But there are many people with an anti-Semitic background writing comments like these: “great! that’s the simple truth!” or “nice vid mate” and believing it. By the way, the video got favorited 10 times!

Slogans like “Jews invented communism” and “The world trade center incident also a act partly done by jews” also incite the watchers of those videos. The destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11 was a public and very tragic event. That’s taken as a reason to chevy Jewish people, although they hadn’t anything to do with this act. The most scaring thing is a trailer of a game, the goal of which is to kill Jewish and black people.

But what can YouTube do against that kind of videos? Can they have an eye to every uploaded video? No, of course not. I think the community has to (re)act. Of course, the video is flagged, but that’s not enough. They have to build a system for self-deletion or let users flag videos as anti-Semitic, so an employee can check the insult and delete it. Even though they have a warning system, that’s not enough. The first video mentioned is online since last December, the second video since last November… and nothing happened…

(Written by Timo Heuer from Germany – 15 years old and writes as freelance journalist for publications like Netzeitung or

14 Responses

  1. fyi: the language in the comment section of this video is filled with language that most people would find offensive – beware

    just thought some of you would like to know 😉

  2. Once again Google is showing its colors by allowing these extreme hate videos. Some are videos poking fun of 6 million victims of hateful murder etc etc etc. It’s horrifying to even think of. This same company when it comes to China they filter everything the Chinese tell them!!!!

  3. While viewing YOUTUBE, it is a must to see the interview bt the principal of the King Faid school in UK trying to deny her use of books calling Jews, “pigs & monkeys”.

  4. Antisemitism was always rampant, The ability for the public to express themselves with modern technology just gives the Yidden the ability to see it more and more.

  5. Listen folks, we’ve endured a lot more than Google’s ‘hate videos’.
    The famous analogy is that of 70 wolves(the nations of the world) constantly torchering and inflicting pain on one little sheep(klal Yisroel). Nevertheless they are JUST UNABLE TO DESTROY IT! How’s that for inspiration??

  6. Shmeel, if you have access to the internet, you also have the oppurtunity to view what ever you want. You should have self control, if you don’t then dont go on line.

  7. YouTube now has the following message:
    This video may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube’s user community.

    To view this video, please verify you are 18 or older by logging in or signing up.

    This is NOT ENOUGH!!

  8. It amazes me how these vilifying creeps cannot handle any opposing facts sent their way. I’ve had all my posts removed so far and now I’m actually BLOCKED from commenting on anything these users are free to upload.

    And, believe me, it’s not because I used any foul or otherwise offensive language when making my valid points.

  9. While there is has always been anti-semites (bchol dor vdor). It is important that we do not become complacent in our surroundings to the point that we do not realize that there are “homons” lurking in the shadows. We must be vigilant and let the world see that evil exsists.

  10. In China Google and all its subsidaries (youtube) filter out everything the Chinese government tells them to. Anything that can be or is thought to be against the communist party its views or the atrocities it committed/commits (Tibet, Psychiatry etc etc).

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