(Click on image to ENLARGE.) The Miami Beach Community Kollel, will be hosting a Yarchei Kalla during the week of Feb 11 thru Feb. 15. As Miami has become the destination of choice for so many people seeking a warm vacation in a place that offers kosher food, minyonim and a break from the frigid temperatures the Kollel is seeking to add extra Torah learning to their vacations.
With plenty of free time and a relaxed atmosphere this would be a great opportunity for bnei Torah to engage in serious learning. The schedule is set up to allow in-depth learning for the men each morning while the women enjoy a late breakfast and perhaps a swim in a private pool.
Most of the day will be free for the families to enjoy their vacations at Miami’s many attractions, restaurants and sights. There will also be inspiring speakers each night for both men and women.
Many people find themselves so busy throughout the entire year, with so many obligations, that they yearn for a time that they can spend learning. Many dream of being able to spend a few days in serious, Yeshiva-style learning.
Even vacation times always seem to slip by without finding the Menuchas Hanefesh for extra Torah learning. The Kollel’s Yarchei Kallah is addressing just this need. The program is designed to incorporate intense morning learning within a full vacation schedule.
Optional nightly shiurim are being offered to provide a meaningful, inspiring addition to a relaxing and invigorating vacation.
The seder hayom will begin with a hot breakfast after Shacharis at the Kollel. Participants will then learn an interesting sugya in Gemorah Chullin. Kollel yungerleit will be learning the limud with attendees or Chavrusos can be arranged.
The learning will be followed each day by a pilpul shiur from gedolei marbetzei Torah. Magidei shiur will include; the Lakewood Rosh Hayeshiva -Harav Malkiel Kotler Shlita, Rav Tzvi Eliyahu Meir Schmlczer Shlita- Rosh Mesivta of Mesivta of Greater Miami, Rav Shmuel Yeshaya Keller Shlita – Rosh Hamechina of Telshe Chicago, The Rosh Kollel -Rav Yaacov Gross Shlita.
The nightly speakers will include Rav Mattisyahu Salomon Shlita – Mashgiach of Lakewood, Rav Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro Shlita- Rav of Shaare Teffilah North Miami Beach, Rebbitzen Gross and Rebbitzen Marlowe.
The program will begin on Sunday night at 8:30 pm at the Kollel 3767 Chase Avenue and is open to all tourist, winter-birds and local residents. Registration is not required and there is no charge for participating in the Kollel’s programs.
Donations are encouraged and sponsorships are always welcome. For more information contact Rabbi Berish Braun or Rabbi Yekusiel Stern at Miami Beach Community Kollel 305-532-8991 or MiamiKollel@juno.com.