Who Knows Fifth

captureWho knows five? I know five, you know five, and kids of all ages know five. But who knows fifth? That’s a trickier question. Up until a few years ago, the “fifth town” of the well-known Five Towns Community was unfamiliar to most Orthodox Jews. All that has changed thanks to a rapidly growing delegation of devoted, determined, and dedicated young families. They have managed to establish this previously unknown fifth town as the up and coming in –town location with out-of- town charm.

Inwood is rapidly becoming well known for its warm and welcoming atmosphere, down-to- earth residents and growth-directed orientation. Under the dynamic leadership of our esteemed Rav, Inwood’s fledgling Shul started out as a group of people in a residents basement, with volunteers walking in from nearby neighborhoods to complete the Minyan, and a homemade Aron Kodesh proudly built by one of it’s very own members. At this point, volunteers are no longer needed to complete the Minyan, this once-tiny Shul has outgrown two subsequent locations, and is now being graciously hosted by Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island on Doughty Boulevard. In fact, when considering Inwood’s shul, N’shei, Chesed organizations and devoted members, as well as it’s convenient proximity to local shopping centers, schools, and supermarkets, you could say that Inwood is a full service community. You would be wrong.

Inwood is missing one fundamental facet of a full functioning Orthodox community, a gap that was identified some time ago by several of Inwoods’ resolute members. Inwood is within driving distance to several Mikvaot in other towns, but without it’s own local Mikvah, families were having a difficult time observing the laws of Family Purity, specifically on Friday night and Yamim Tovim. With this realization, the Inwood Mikvah project, a full service men, women’s and keilim Mikvah, was born.

Two strong motivating factors for this project are the growing extended community and Inwood’s involvement in Kiruv activities. The burgeoning growth of the extended Five Towns and Long Island has made it such that current Mikvaot are operating at full capacity, indicating a clear need for more locations where people can partake in this mitzvah observance. Additionally, many of our individual community members are involved in different Kiruv organizations, and host people on a regular basis whose observance of Taharat Hamishpacha would be made possible by a local Mikvah. An example of this phenomenon involves one specific organization that is determined to meet the needs of troubled, traumatized teens. Often, these young people’s abusive backgrounds make it emotionally difficult for them to attend the Mikvah when they get married. One of Inwood’s dedicated community members currently accompanies these girls to the Mikvah in order to provide them with emotional support. An Inwood Mikvah would greatly enhance her ability to continue this invaluable Chesed.

So there you have it. Now you know five, you know fifth, and you know the short, sweet, substantial history of this fifth town. You also know a fabulous project to which you can donate a fifth of your money… Joking. Maybe. In all seriousness, Inwood activists have currently raised $700,000 of the $1.3 million that needed in order to complete this project. Your support, suggestions, cents and dollars can bridge that cap. Then all that will be left to do is figure out who’s on first…

Thanks for reading, and please make sure to check out this fifth town for yourself the next time you are visiting one of the other four. For more information please visit our website @ www.Inwoodmikvah.org Or to donate www.inwoodmikvah.org/sponsorship- opportunities.

2 Responses

  1. So nice.. It should be with a lot of Hatzlacha.
    It does not say which Rabbanim the mikvah will be under or who gives their haskamahs??

  2. I have spent a Shabbos before in Inwood. It’s a really great community and this is definitely a project I would like to support. Wishing them only hatzlacha and continued growth.

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