E”Y: Three Yeshiva Bochrim hurt in car accident

1 (9).jpgA drunk Arab driver was killed and three Israeli Yeshiva Bochrim were injured – one seriously – in a car accident at approximately 1:00AM. The accident occurred near Tzomet Yavo (in the north). MDA and Hatzolah transported the three injuries to the hospital in Nahariya. Please be Mispallel for Yehoshua Falik ben Tovah Raizel – who is supposed to get married in one month. (More photos HERE)

22 Responses

  1. What about the other 2 passengers, do they need Tehilim as well? If so what are their names?

    Is Falik his last name, or his middle name?

    May they all have a Refuah

  2. Wow. Imagine people in a religion picking and choosing what they “fallow.” I wonder if that happens in any other religion? Ya think? Nah, coudn’t be.

    Sorry for the sarcasm. In your zeal to criticize the Arab dead guy, you criticize him of something that each and every one of us occasionally do (not drink and drive, but transgress something that we are not supposed to).

    May the Bochurim have a Refuah.

  3. For the record:
    Not all Arabs are Muslim, not all Muslims are Arab.
    The Arab that was ‘drunk driving’ may well have been a Christian Arab, in particular as the accident took place in the north where they have a strong presence (in the region of Nazereth, etc).
    As an aside, I am surprised they have already concluded the dead driver was drunk since the accident occurred only hours ago and usually an autopsy would have to be performed before such a declaration could be made. In the USA a definitive statement that the driver was drunk would be cause for legal action by his family if later proved to be untrue. The authorities generally reserve judgment on a cause of accident until they are certain.

  4. IMHO:

    This aint the USA its Israel, AKA The wild west!!
    Rules are made up as they go along.

    Maybe the car had twelve bottles of opened Arak, and the guy reeked from Booze? (Which just happened to be the case!!)

  5. Charedim….
    Your right on track…..but really, lol ,to find a’caf zechus’ in this dead ‘Ben Yishmoel…..implying that he is ‘just human’, come on….lets save that sentiment for someone who’s worthy of it!

  6. NAMELESS — You say that I imply that he was “just human” and that I’m finding a “caf zechus” for him. I have no idead where you’re getting this from.

    All I’m saying is that it’s hypocritical to criticize someone for doing something that we are all guilty of (as YESHIVA BACHUR did).

    There’s a story about the deans of of an ivy league university in the early 1900s deciding whether to increase the quota of Jews they admitted. “Jews cheat,” said one of them. “But other students also cheat,” said a second one. Replied the dean, “We’re talking about Jews now.”

    A bit chunk of Anti-Semitism relates to criticizing Jews for things that everyone does. Just take a look at any one of the number of Anti-Semitic websites that document Jewish and Frum crime and other misdeeds. How can we complain about this treatment but relate to other groups the same way.

    And while we’re on the subject, why isn’t a dead Arab whom we know nothing about worthy of being deemed “just human.”

    (NOW you can level your earlier accusation).

  7. In theory your right! There CAN be a ‘rose amongst thorns’, as there was in the case of the Arab who was awarded for saving Jews during the war.
    On the other hand , we tend to stereotype them because they ARE considered ‘perei Odom’ and they have inflicted us for so long. Therefore , when I read your post, my first reaction was that your sentiments were a littlemisplaced. Especially for the fact that the POINT of the article was this Bachur who needs a refuah. But ok, I hear what your saying!

  8. “Wow. Imagine people in a religion picking and choosing what they “fallow.” I wonder if that happens in any other religion? Ya think? Nah, coudn’t be.
    Sorry for the sarcasm. ”

    Charedim Kol Yisroel (which you most certainly are not, despite your cover name),

    Your sarcasm is repugnant. On another thread, you waxed poetic about the wonderful job the Conservative leadership is doing with their new “hechsherim”. On this one, you attack a fellow blogger for showing dismay at an Arab drunk driver who caused serious injury to a fellow Jew.

    Most members of this blog are reasonable, fair individuals. As Jews, we naturally feel pain at the hurt of a fellow brother. And generally, even gentiles do not express sympathy for a dead drunk driver, particularly one who caused injury to others.

    Your eagerness to show even-handedness for an Arab who just caused serious injury to your brother gives cause to wonder if he is indeed your brother.

    You are panting to show how open-minded and liberal you are to all and sundry, as you attempt to demonstrate how small minded, hypocritical, and narrow the rest of us are. I’m frankly disgusted by your knee jerk reaction to events involving our nation.

    By the way, about “fallow”? Your mockery is absurd. Read your own posts again- you will find some nice little typos all of your own. I’m sure you will be more careful from now on :).

  9. It is interesting to note that Lev Leviov is a relative of the Kallah and sent three top doctors to work with the Badly Injured Bochur

  10. SARAH — First of all, re: the typos, you are correct that my last post contained a couple of typographical mistakes (extra “d” in “idea”, “t” instead of “g” in “big”). If you take a look at your keyboard, you will see that these mistakes are truly typographical in nature. In other words, the letters are near each other and I typed too quickly.

    What I was “mocking” was an inability to spell or, more importantly, structure a coherent sentence, that is occasionally exhibited here. It’s not the biggest deal, and I realize that posting online isn’t writing a term paper, but the “a” and “o” are as far apart as can be on the keyboard. I’m comfortable pitting my posts against yours or anyone elses with respect to the level of grammar and syntax that they exhibit. Not that that makes me great or anything, but it makes my mockery less absurd.

    I’m a bit suprised that you consider my responses “knee-jerk.” Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! If anything, I think that I bring a more balanced (if occasionally unwelcome) perspective than the standard 15 responses parroting each other. You’re welcome to be disgusted, but, again, I think that most reasonable people would characterize my posts as containing less knee-jerkiness than the average posts that show up here. I back up what I say and (except for the occasional grammar “Shtoch”), I don’t resort to personal attacks and name-calling.

    Finally, you resort to your two usual tactics: 1) inferring things from my posts that simply aren’t there, and 2) attacking me personally by implying that I’m somehow not part of the Jewish people. If that’s all you got, I’m doing good.

    I know that you’re likely to (knee-jerkily) disagree with me, which is fine. I’m not trying to convert you or anything. But for every person who posts here, there are dozens or hundreds who read, and I’m happy to occasionally offer them a different perspective than what they hear again and again and again.

    I don’t think that you (or anyone else on this site) is more hypocritical than the next guy. In fact, many of the posters are insightful and I truly value what they have to say. Sometimes, yes, I do imply that someones take on a situation is too narrow, but I try to back it up and am happy to debate the point.

    This site has certainly broadened my perspective; it’s a pity that you can’t say the same.

  11. In my last post, I didn’t really talk about the story itself. This is because the facts that I’ve seen are way too sketchy to draw conclusions from. There is no link to the story, and IMHO is correct that it’s unlikely a diagnosis of drunk driving could be arrived at on the scene (expecially if the presumably drunk guy is dead!). Sarah seems to know exactly what happened based on minimal, unattributed information; perhaps she should join the police force, or become a psychic.

    If anyone thinks that by refusing to come to a knee-jerk conlusion based on a 6-line story somehow means that I care less about the victims, they’re idiots. It’s terrible what happened, plain and simple.

  12. “Sarah seems to know exactly what happened based on minimal, unattributed information; perhaps she should join the police force, or become a psychic.”

    “Charedim” Kol Yisroel- As we have come to expect from your comments, the sarcasm is reeking, and it isn’t pretty. Say your piece like a man, instead of hiding behind inflammatory invective. We have seen a lot of sarcasm and mockery about bloggers in your posts; try addressing ideas, not people.

    “If anyone thinks that by refusing to come to a knee-jerk conlusion based on a 6-line story somehow means that I care less about the victims, they’re idiots.”

    Throwing insults does not enhance your credibility. And as I noted above, the knee jerk reaction was yours. Suggestion: Stop and think before commenting. Your language suggests that you are a teenager; if that is the case, your sarcasm and impulsive insults to bloggers is more easily understood…

  13. SARAH — You’re right, I could have made the “pyschic” part a little less personal. But I WAS addressing an idea. Namely, the idea that reading a short, unattributed blurb does not give one the right to draw firm conclusions (e.g. Arab drunk driver who injured a Jew). Still, I apologize if you were offended.

    I assure you that I am not a teenager. There’s not much I can do to prove that, other than answering questions about cartoons from the 1980s. Feel free to ask away.

    Your accusation about me hiding behind “inflammatory invective” is off base. My posts clearly set out my position and attempt to back it up. I have been insulted far more than I have insulted others (telling you to be a psychic and criticizing someone’s spelling are the only examples that come to mind). If you can find other instances of me “impulsively insulting” others, please post them. Otherwise, shush. I am happy to show you posts calling me not Frum, Conservative, a teenager etc.

    Yes, sometimes I am sarcastic. But that doesn’t mean that my reasoning is flawed. You need to do better than that. If you have a reply to my arguments about a specific subject, let’s hear it. Telling me to “stop and think” and “say it like a man” is just empty chest-puffing.

  14. CKY,

    It’s nice you feel you ” bring a more balanced (if occasionally unwelcome) perspective than the standard 15 responses parroting each other”. Self esteem is always a good thing.

    Not sure how you

    “back up what I say and (except for the occasional grammar Shtoch), I don’t resort to personal attacks and name-calling”,

    but that’s OK too, we won’t hold you to it.

    Please don’t feel defensive over

    “you will see that these mistakes are truly typographical in nature. In other words, the letters are near each other and I typed too quickly”,

    we don’t mind if you’re posts are less than a doctoral thesis- just don’t knock anyone else for their mistakes. When you feel the urge to

    “I was “mocking” an inability to spell or, more importantly, structure a coherent sentence, that is occasionally exhibited here”,

    remember that you’ve made mistakes too. Of course, only ones that are close together on the keyboard.

    “This site has certainly broadened my perspective”

    That’s pleasant news- keep it up

    “it’s a pity that you can’t say the same.”

    Your trying, and that’s nice.

    I’ll allow you the fun of “the last word”, and I’ll be looking out for that “broadened perspective”. Glad you’re onboard :).

  15. Charedim …..
    ‘If anyone thinks….6 line story’
    ‘Facts are way to sketchy….’

    Isnt that a bit of a ‘cop out’? I mean you didnt even make that point in your first post and you didnt debate whether or not the Arab was drunk either.
    You only commented on the absence of details after you were challenged.
    Besides, one can only remark based on the article we see here without assuming that some dramatic turn of events will come out of the woodwork.
    If its been reported that he was drunk, he probably was!

  16. And to add to what nameless said, how do you know that when the police said he was drunk they were not saying the truth.
    Also im sorry that I said fallow please forgive me but I am currently using a blackberry and its a little hard to type.

  17. YESHIVA BACHUR — I don’t know that the police are not saying the truth. But what part of the story mentions the police saying anything? Please show me.

    NAMELESS — I’m not sure I understand your criticism 100% but all I’m saying about the story is that it’s important to get all (or most of) the facts before drawing conclusions. This story, at least as posted above, did not have a lot of detail and was unattributed. We’ve all seen instances where people jump to conclusions based on their personal biases, which conclusions turn out to be silly once the facts come out. No?

    If the article had quoted a police spokesperson or something like that, I’d be with you.

  18. CKY
    Feb. 8, 2:54 post
    ….(not drink and drive…..)
    no mention that you have your doubts about whether or not that was the case….
    Feb 9 12:06
    ‘…….unlikely a diagnosis of drunk driving could be arrived at(especially if the guy is dead)
    no chiddush! you knew he was dead. What prompted your dilemma all of a sudden? t

    Ones’ first reaction when reading an article is NOT that there might be a discrepency, and so far we havent heard there was one. Why should we anticipate it? I’ll apologize for my ‘personal bias’ when it turns out to be aproven fact that this guy was NOT drunk.Is that reasonable enough?

  19. Another accident that occurred in the Negev, with a Bedouin Arab who caused the death of 3 Israelis, the cause was driving through a RED LIGHT. The newspapers reported that 20% of the auto accidents in Israel are caused by Arab drivers, many unlicensed. Arabs are LAWLESS in all their day to day actions, wouldnt you expect the same in driving!

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