Jews prevented from reaching Kosel

kosel.jpgJews were being blocked Thursday from reaching the Kosel, by the hundreds of Arab protesters demonstrating against construction near the Temple Mount.

Spokesman Aryeh King, representing the Jewish associations in the eastern part of Yerushalayim, said that if the Jerusalem district police did not disperse the crowd, he would petition the High Court.

Islamic clerics leading the demonstration as well as Arab politicians threatened an intifada “worse than the previous one in 2000, if the Israel Antiquities Authority did not immediately halt the repair work and excavations at the site.”


9 Responses

  1. this is another one of those fake arab protests. there is no reason for them to protest other than they thing no one has heard from them in a while so they have to jump up and down to be heard. apparently this has to do with reconstruction of the hill leading to the entrance to har habayis (the one that is next to the ezra noshim of the kosel). turns out when they were constructing they found more “proof” that the yiddin have been in the area for over 2000 years so the arabs yemach sh’mom are protesting. this was on an A7 radio show yesterday.

  2. That the beheimos are behaving as usual is no mistery…what IS a mistery is that the israeli police are allowing the beheimos to obstruct the entrance to the koisel…

  3. If the zionist continue to believe that Israel was “created” in 1948 by UN resolution. How can they can have any ties to our Holy land and OUR Holy city Jerusalem. Isreal exsits today because H”B allows it to exist

    The Arabs are upset, because if we keep digging and of course only find Jewish antiquities then their false claims to our land will be proven by historical fact and the world will see their falsehood

  4. To torahtotty, The Zionist believe that THE STATE OF ISRAEL was BORN in 1948.” The Birth of the State of Israel”. Like everything Born in this World, within its allotted time, it will eventually Die. Go’sess is a term in Hebrew to mean “dying”. That is what is happening to the state of Israel. With a long list of terminal diseases it would be hard to believe it will survive. A seed that is planted in the ground, first has to rot, decay, them srout to a beautiful plant. This Seed this State has to go through this process. We as Jews, the children of Avrohom Avinu with our continued trust in Hashem & our continued Avodah, we should be Zoche’ to a Speedy Redemption.

  5. Let us all understand a little of the more obvious facts;

    When Moshiach comes and the time to rebuild is here (it should only be now). The dome of the rock and all else built on the site of the Holy temple must be destroyed and cleared away. As with any construction site you must clear away the dirt to reach the foundation.

    If it should come to pass that Moshicah has not been proclain and we all witness the destruction of the dome of the rock, it WILL be a sure simon that Gaula is here and it is time to pack and leave galus and return once again to our Holy Land

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