DRAWING TONIGHT…Spectacular Prizes… Free Bonus Gifts… Discounted Ticket Packages…Free Ticket Giveaway… All While Supporting FTI, South Jersey’s ONLY Yeshiva!

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AMAZING CHINESE AUCTION PRIZES INCLUDE: Trip to Israel, Kosher Cruise, 2017 Honda Accord Two-Year Lease, Pearl Necklace with Matching Earings, $3,000 Shopping Spree, Sterling Silver Kiddush Cup, Apple iPad Pro, and More.

DRAWING TONIGHT       December 25       FINAL CHANCE

PLUS… FREE BONUS GIFTS when you purchase $180, $360, or $500 worth of tickets.

$180 – Choose between Illuminations of the Maggid or Emunah with Love and Chicken Soup.
$360 – Choose between Black Granite Challah Tray or a Hammered Stainless Steel Washing Cup with Diamonds.
$500 – Both Gift Options.
Please note your selection when you check out.

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shmidman-nussbaumWith tremendous Siyata Dishmaya, the Foxman Torah Institute (FTI) located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, has grown from a small Yeshiva of 8 talmidim in 2010, to over 70 total talmidim this school year – that’s almost 1,000% growth! The rapid growth of the yeshiva has had a major impact on the community which is also seeing tremendous growth and is quickly turning into a true makom Torah.

Foxman Torah Institute’s high school division, Mesivta Bais Dovid, provides a well-balanced and excellent total-chinuch education to its talmidim. The Stein Bais Medrash program has bochurim toiling all day learning sugyas b’iyun, bekious sedorim, and Slabodka mussar. Both programs are designed to bring out the best in each talmid, and help develop Klal Yisroel’s leaders of tomorrow.

Help Fuel the Growth of Torah in Cherry Hill and South Jersey!

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