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Jimmy Carter shows his true colors

carter.jpgFox News is reporting that former US President Jimmy Carter has accused an international Jewish human rights group of “falsehood and slander” for launching a petition that resulted in thousands of signatures being sent to the former president in protest of his controversial book about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

5 Responses

  1. Carter is a “bavuste” antisemite (still from his peanut days in Georgia). It’s only sad it took the jewish world this long to wake up to this fact.

  2. Shmeel – want to know who cares: All the rest of the idiots in the loony liberal left out there. but to paraphase you… Who really cares what these morons say or think?!

  3. if not for the loony liberal left out there, we would all be “right” thinking people and I would have nothing to say or write!

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