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Manchester: Yeshiva Ezras Torah Annual Dinner

Rabbi U Reich.jpgThe recent annual Gala Dinner of Yeshivas Ezras Torah, Manchester, was held at the Beis Yosef Hall, Prestwich, and celebrated almost twelve years’ achievement of a unique mosad hatorah.

The impressive seudah was attended by many of the chashuvei hoir, as well as guests who had travelled from out of town to be present. Past members of the yeshivah also attended the event in a show of gratitude towards the Yeshivah. The top table was graced by rabbonim and roshei yeshivos from across the kehilloh.
The idea of a yeshivah that would treat each bochur as an individual, and would bring out his full potential as a valued member of klal Yisroel was originally conceived by Horav Osher Westheim, nosi hayeshivah, at the Agudas Yisroel Conference, Bournemouth. Rav Westheim has invested infinite amounts of time and effort to bring this dream to fruition, and was responsible for appointing Horav Michoel Emmanuel as the Rosh Hayeshivah. The evening was very ably chaired by Rabbi Shimon Kaplin, who outlined the importance of the Yeshivah, which he described as hatzolas nefoshos, and then called on the Rosh Yeshivah to speak. Rav Emanuel expressed his debt of gratitude to the Yeshivah committee, headed by R’ Kovi Mozes, for their support of the Yeshivah, and to the invaluable part played by the Dinner Committee, both in Manchester and in London. The Rosh Yeshivah continued to describe the wonderful siyato dishmayo that was given to the bochurim in the Yeshivah, who had almost without exception achieved results far above expectations, and had gone on to become valued yungerleit in botei medroshim and yeshivos all over the world.
Horav Osher Westheim praised the work of the dedicated members of the Hanholah, and the Committee. He described Yeshivas Ezras Torah as a real pioneer in this field of harbotzas hatorah. He also suggested that every person should give some of his time to become involved in some facet of klal work.
The guest speaker was Horav Uren Reich, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivah Gedolah of Woodlake Village, New Jersey, who is himself a native of Manchester. Horav Reich eloquently demonstrated the importance of encouraging each individual person to fulfil his own capabilities. In his very moving and often emotional address, he suggested that just as in the future all the seemingly barren trees will bear fruit, so too every person has a hidden latent potential that is just waiting to be revealed.
Rav Shloimo Angel, Mashgiach in the Yeshivah, made a presentation to Mr. G. Sher, in appreciation for his and his wife’s help to the Yeshivah. R’ Yehoshua Mannes and R’ Yehoshua Weiss were thanked for their dedicated help to the Yeshivah throughout the year. The ambience of the evening was enhanced with music played by R’ Eli Heimann.

Article – Rabbi Pruim
Photos – Blum Photography

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