Increase in passengers to Israel

el al.jpgBen Gurion Airport handled 8.8 million passengers in 2006, 4% more than in 2005, the Israel Civil Aviation Authority reports. Forecasts made in early 2006 predicted a 30% increase in passenger traffic, but the hopes evaporated because of the second Lebanon war in the summer.

The Civil Aviation Authority says most of the growth in passenger traffic that nevertheless occurred was due to the increase in flights and added seat capacity by foreign airlines, including Air France and Austrian Airlines. Both airlines increased flights on their Tel Aviv routes from one a day to two a day.


3 Responses

  1. Interesting I thought they were trying to decrease the number of flights on elal and if passengers increased then why did they wan’t to stop flying from some places in the US.

  2. To nisht ahe….What has one got to do with another????If they cancel some flights from certain areas-does that mean that other areas are not popular-and less people are flying to Israel???

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