Kollel Ateres Avos visits R’ Chaim Kanievsky

8.jpgJust recently, a special nesiyah was made to Bnei Brak. The trip was made by Yitzchak Kowalsky, on behalf of Kollel Ateres Avos. The purpose of the mission was to speak and consult with Rav Chaim Kanievski shlita regarding the Kollel.

10.jpgR’ Chaim shlita was happy to hear about a new kollel and happily bestowed upon all the chevrei hakollel divrei brocha. He was then asked a couple of questions with regard to the hadracha of the kollel and was happy to give his advice.

9.jpgHe concluded his remarks with a special brocha to be said over in his name for all the supporters of the kollel. Kollel Ateres Avos was started this past zman in Cong. Sons of Israel (6th & Madison).

The night kollel is learning Perek Yesh Nochlin biyun and is led by Rabbi Moshe Ferber and Yitzchak Kowalsky.

All are invited to attend!!

(Lakewood Shopper)

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