Yeshivaworld News roundup 2/04/07

Tonight will be the Dinner for Kollel Atzei Chaim D’satmar in E.Y. taking place in the main Satmar Bais Medrash in Williamsburg (14 Hooper Street) Bhishtatfes the Satmar Rebbe from Kiryas Yoel Shlita.

Tonight Rav Shmuel Kaminetzsky Shlita R”Y Philadelphia will be speaking in Lakewood at the one Day At A Time Evening of Inspiration – 7:30PM at the home of R’ Shlomo Schmell 1420 Ceder Row.

Tonight is the Kollel Chibas Yerushalayim Dinner in Antwerp taking place in Bais Rochel.

Tonight will be the Vort for the daughter of Rav Binyomin Shulgaser Shlita R”Y Bais Ahron to the Hachoson Yeshaya Plotzker of Bensonhurst taking place tonight in Lakewood at K’hal Ner Dovid.

The Moditzer Rebbe Shlita (Reb Chaim Shaul Taub) is arriving in NY tonight where he will be staying for the next three weeks. This will be the Rebbes first visit to the United States as Rebbe. He will be in  Far Rockaway and the Five Towns for Parshas Yisro, in Flatbush at the Modzitzer Shtiebel for Parshas Mishpatim and in Boro Park for Parshas Terumah. He will also be making visits to Lakewood and Monsey.

Tonight at 8:00PM in Yeshivas Chasan Sofer there will be Hespaidim for the Shloshim of R’ Herschel Cohen Z”L. The exact address is 1876 50 Street.

Today was the Chanukas Habayis for The New Willow Court Shul in Lakewood. The shul is located on the corner of Willow Court and Fourteenth Street.

This morning there was a Kisivas Sefer in honor of the Long Beach R”Y Rav Yitzchok Feigelstock Shlita in Flatbush at the home of R’ Chaim Miller 2621 Avenue I.

The son of Rav Shmuel Flam and an Einikle of Rav Schneidman Shlita R”Y of Yeshivas Bais Moshe became a Choson to the daughter of R’ Nesanel Lauer.

Rav Avrohom Gurowitz Shlita the Gateshead R”Y said a Shiur and Divrei Chizuk this morning at the Scranton Community Kollel.

The Sanz Klausenburger Rebbe Shlita of NY traveled to Eretz Yisroel for a short visit, to attend the Chasunah of the Kiryas Sanz Yerushalayim Ruv’s son. The Chasunah will take place on Monday evening.

There were Hespedim held in the Adass Yisroel Shul in Austrailia Lizecher Nishmas Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Neiman ZATZAL, the Belzer Dayan from Montreal who was Niftar two weeks ago. (Rav Neiman ZATZAL was first a Rov of the Adass Yisroel Shul in Austrailia.)

(YW appoligizes for spelling mystakes in this post!!)

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