Eretz Yisroel: Attempted kidnapping

IDF Jeep.jpgINN is reporting that three terrorists tried to kidnap Jews on Sunday evening. The terrorists, first tried to pick up Jewish hitchhikers at the Tapuach junction. The hitchhikers were suspicious of the three and refused to enter their car.

The terrorists then continued to the Eli junction near Ramallah. There they attacked a resident of Adei Ad and attempted to force him into the car. Fortunately, the man managed to escape, and the terrorists jumped back into the car and drove off.

Soldiers began a chase after the terrorists. They managed to overtake the car at the Bir Zeit Bridge as the terrorists attempted to flee into a PA-controlled region. The terrorists, who are affiliated with Hamas, were arrested and have been transferred to security forces for questioning.


3 Responses

  1. Dont enter the car, have a whistle and blow hard, never hitchhike alone only in groups.
    Let’s kidnap a few of them, force fed them left-over chulent, and then drop them off at the entrance to the Knesset.

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