Petition against Condi Rice

state dept.jpgLast week, US Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleeza Rice, while speaking at a European press conference, referred to terrorist Hamas as a “Resistance Movement.”

Those are the same words used by Al-Jazeera for Hamas. A “Resistance Movement” is very far from a Terrorist Organization.

A petition was started to have her apologize. Click HERE to view it.

9 Responses

  1. I wish someone with an ounce of intelligence would read her entire interview.

    She was asked a leading question by a reporter about the difference between the negotiating partners from 2000 to today.

    She responded that one of the differences is Hamas: (read on)

    “you had Hamas, of course, sitting out as a resistance movement, not at all, by the way, involved in the politics at all.”

    (the quotation marks are mine)

    She was saying that Hamas was resisting PALESTINIAN POLTICS whereas today they are involved politicaly.


  2. I never liked her from day one. I allways thought she liked our enemies more then us.
    She never got married or had any children, and could be that she doesn’t feel with the terror victims

  3. Sheryl, you sound like Barbara Boxer (maybe you are!).

    Condi is one of the strongest supporters of Israel in the administration. She knows exactly what Hamas, YM”Sh, is.

  4. These kinds of petitions are ridiculous. If the person actually holds the offentding view, there is nothing gained by forcing them to apologize. They will remain with their views, but will simply become even more antagonistic toward those who attack them. Kal v’chomer if the person doesn’t hold these views, and is in fact one of our staunchest friends in the administration; how stupid do you have to be to antagonize her b/c of what is at most a verbal slip, and probably not even that.

  5. I think ‘pro not anti’ is right. She said they were not in politics but called themselves a resistance movement, & today they call themselves a political party.

    She happens to be better then anyone had in a long time in the state dept. Remember Baker, Albright, Christopher & even Powell were not at all better then her.

    (Edited by Site Admin for spelling and punctuation)

  6. Do you really think that people who have never gotten married and not had children can’t feel with the terror victims? I am personally offended on behalf of ever single person who has yet to find their beshirt and every neshama who aches for a child. Do I have to tell you that we can actually feel feelings, too. Drop the political commentary and study Torah, it would do you a world of good.

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