Yeshiva Emek Hatalmud Lakewood Reception

emek1.jpgThis past Thursday, Yeshiva Emek Hatalmud, led by its roshei yeshiva, Rav Shmuel Abba Olshin and Rav Shmuel Simcha Horowitz, held its Annual Lakewood Reception at the home of Mrs. Rochel Rosenbaum.

emek2.jpgThe reception began with comments from R’ Itche Rosenbaum, who hosted the event with his brother,  R’ Dovid Rosenbaum. The guest speaker was Rav Shalom Kamenetzky, R”M in Yeshiva of Philadelphia, who delivered stirring words of chizuk.

(Story and Photos courtesy of Yated Ne’eman/Hearsay Photos)

Additional photos in the YW Photo Album courtesy of Photography Plaza.

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