Hillary “loves” Israel

All options, including military ones, must be explored in preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton told AIPAC supporters.

In her first appearance before a Jewish group since announcing her candidacy for president, Clinton expressed her unequivocal support for the Jewish state at a dinner Thursday in Manhattan for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s Northeast region. “I have been, I am now and I always will be proud to stand with all of you as a strong supporter of Israel,” she told the crowd of about 1,700 people. Israel and the United States have “shared values” and an “unbreakable bond,” she said, qualities that will be necessary as they stand up to terrorism and Iran.


29 Responses

  1. She is a shakranis, just like her husband. Does anyone really believe that the shikseh who kissed Mrs. Arafat, is a friend of Israel?

    Oy v’avoi for Israel (and the US) if she is elected.

    P’nei hador k’pnei ha’kelev.

  2. “loves” Israel – yeah she cry and cry if the arabs get there way – why she is anxiously waiting for the day so she can cry and show how much she “loves Israel to Pieces”

  3. Senator Clinton has been a great friend of Israel with a perfect pro Israel record in the senate. And even if you doubt her sincerity – mitoch shelo lishmah, bah lishmah. Don’t discount her ability or look a gift horse in the mouth.

  4. Short term memory loss??

    Perhaps you recall when she kissed Shua Arafat (may her name be cursed)???


    Remember how she sympathized with Shua Arafat while she complained about how the JEWS are poising the Palestinian water supply??!!



  5. JewsForHillary:
    I actually used your name in my criticism of an eroneous report on Condi Rice. I cant believe a group like your realy exists.
    Do you care to fill us in a little on your backgroun?
    Where do you and Hillary stand on matters that are important to our (frum) community?
    Where do you stand on marriage rights for those Hashem calls an abomination?
    Where do you stand on abortion on demand? Sorry, I know the word abortion bothers you, perhaps you would like to call it “choice”, sort of like Hamas’ choice to spare or wipe out lives on Israeli buses!
    Where do you stand on support for Israel? If you state “Senator Clinton has been a great friend of Israel with a perfect pro Israel record in the senate.” why did she so oppose John Bolton at the UN? INEXCUSABLE!!!
    Where do you stand on tuition tax credits, a financial burden that is MUCH harder on the frum community than any other. We pay upwards of $30,000 a year and still pay taxes for public schools which your candidate thinks can be fixed by catering to the teachers union.
    How about border security? Here’s a quote from a speach she made: “We rarely have enforced the immigration laws and so we basically send a very mixed message. And legislative proposals that would turn everyone who is here into a criminal and everyone who helps or encourages the 12 million immigrants who are here illegally, turn them into a criminal. That’s not only unenforceable, but it runs counter to fundamental American values. ” So let me get this right, if the law is un-enforcable, abolish it?!?! And you support her to be our PRESIDENT????
    I have much more but I’ll hold off for now as there is so much glorious time till the election.
    Uvoh L’Tzion Goel bb”a

  6. Never mind the fact both John McCain and Rudy Giuliani support legal “alternative lifestyle” marriage / unions./

    IN FACT Giuliani and Clinton are the same when it comes to Abortion, Gays, and Gun Crontrol.

    As for Hillary’s voting record, it is of public record for anyone to see.Every single vote affecting in six years Israel was 100% in their favor.

  7. “Does anyone really believe that the shikseh who kissed Mrs. Arafat, is a friend of Israel?”

    Hey, she kissed Tzipi Livni too, and probably Shimmy Peres too! Does that make her a lover of Israel? Stop dwelling on the diplomatic kiss, and focus on her politics. And don’t imagine that Dems are necessarily worse for Israel. The thing to remember is that very few politicians are friends of Israel for emotional reasons; what concerns them is politics and their financial support, and if supporting Israel is good politically, the Dems will be glad to jump on board.

  8. SHAZAM and Joe Schmo; do u think Obama will do a better job than clinton? Even though we dont like her we r forced to vote for the idiot.

  9. ‘She kissed Shimon Perez’
    Lets not forget that the Dems are a left wing party and they sympathize with their Israeli counterparts, the Labour party.
    So the debate here is What is considerd ‘Pro Israel’?
    The policies of the Frum normally lean towards the right. But the non Frum lean towards the left.
    Is she Pro ISRAEL,,,,,,?? NOT BY OUR STANDARDS BUT by that of the more liberal and non frum

  10. Hey guys why don’t we support someone or party other then the liberal Democrats how about a Repulican for instance, like Guiliani. just a thought
    NO more NO less
    Those who voted a carpet bagger into office in the first place should be ashamed of themselves, ALso have we forgotten the banking scandal where all those that could testify against her HAD ACCIDENTS? It is good to be friends of the Clintons, just make sure you have a last will and testament, and plenty of life insurance for your family. lets us all fly off the handle and into mountains.

  11. Ladies and gentlemen I REST MY CASE!!! All Hillary supporters are glad to gloss over liberal problems and the fact that MOST liberal views INCLUDING those of liberal republicans are k’neged hatorah. I gladly stand on record as one who will not support a liberal republican in the primaries! Further, I do not believe the “kiss” to be proof positive of her Palestinian support, her record notwithstanding, she will end up worse than her husband on Israel! I guess his voting record was also perfect on Israel, but guess what?!? He was the worst friend Israel ever had!
    With friends like the Clinton’s who needs enemies!

  12. Once again, Nameless is Clueless. Liberal may have become a dirty word among frum Jews of late, and perhaps for good reason, but we’d be fools to tie ourselves irrevocably to any one party or candidate. There was a long period in American history where the Republicans were perceived – and rightly so – as the more anti-Semitic party. And it wasn’t even that long ago: Cast your mind back to Bush I, and to his crony Baker. The worm seems to have turned of late, but we’d be wise to keep all our options open.

  13. Kishke
    Spoken like you were soaking in cholent all night.
    Bush sr and baker were indeed son’ei yisroel. And what happened when Baker tried to impose his anti-semitism in the form of the Iraq panel, President Bush told him to take a seat with Jimmy Carter and unlike Hillary found NO value in the commission’s report. Open your eyes and read the apeschea given by Hastert, Frist, Specter and other Republicans. In contrast, read some of Kucinich, Boxer or McKinley. Kishke, you ARE right, we cannot blindly follow conservatives, we have to use our intelligence. Ignorance is a liberal virtue.

  14. illni-i base that on the Torah. A womans place is not to lead a nation. Todays liberal and bankrupt society says your right. I choose tradition.

  15. Joseph Says:

    February 4th, 2007 at 7:59 pm
    illni-i base that on the Torah. A womans place is not to lead a nation. Todays liberal and bankrupt society says your right. I choose tradition.

    go back and read the Haftorah from this past Shabbos! :o)

  16. illini–i have the same values as your grandfather. people from older generations would be appalled at the decadent values of todays society. and that is the gentiles! this value system is very traditional and what society lived by for thousands of years until feminism destroyed traditional VALUES.

  17. pro not anti: Truthfully, I can’t tell whether you’re agreeing or disagreeing with me. And it’s good for kishke to soak in cholent; that’s its job.

  18. illini07:
    I beg to differ. This discussion or argument as you may choose to call it, is NOT just about Israel, but about the absurdity of Jewish support for this madwoman. Do you really think YW Editor posted the headline to call attention to Hillary and her record as a supporter of Israel? No, we all find her to be a fox in sheep’s clothing.
    As to your repetitive statement about America not being controlled by religion, yes you are right we do have separation of church and state and boruch Hashem for that. What I discussed above was the morality of America. Why SHOULD I elect someone who I feel will make it worse and worse for me to raise my children. She advances a lifestyle of promiscuity and yes abomination. Here are some of the issues restated.
    Gay marriage is a grave concern to me as my Rabbi may be forced to recognize a gay “couple” and chas v’sholom be forced to accept them into our community. We of course have many sinners and our Rabbonim are here to help all of us find the way to be closer to Hashem. If I were to flaunt my disgust with Hashem’s words my Rabbi should not have to accept me in his congregation. The Massachusetts courts just forced a Catholic adoption agency to allow gay “couples” the equal right of adoption. So don’t say “If you do not want to have an abortion, or have an alternative lifestyle marriage, nobody is forcing you.” This is an issue that we will soon face in our community if Liberals like Hillary are in power.
    As to abortion, you are again naive (thus a liberal) in your statement. Agudath Israel submitted a friend of the court brief advising AGAINST the overturning of Roe v. Wade so as to allow the rare abortions which the Torah may permit. What I oppose on abortion is deeper that just me doing what I want and let everyone else do as they please. I am horrified by the cheapening of life the Abortion movement promotes. This begins by softening the term abortion to a more palatable “choice”. Another way liberals are coning us. Let Hillary at least voice her disgust over the wanton taking of life over gendrification (my term, sic) and at least require counseling to pregnant women so that those so desperately seeking children can adopt. (Interesting sidebar – amazing how gay marriage is trying to end the definition of marriage as one capable of producing future generations, yet they insist on being allowed to adopt.) What about underage children getting abortions without their parent’s knowledge!?!
    These are more examples of liberal ideals destroying the country I live in and love. Destroying what I want my children to grow up in and taking away our morality.
    This is not so much a Democrat Republican issue as much as Liberal Conservative. It just so happens that the Republican Party has become what the Democrat party used to be. The Democrat party of Moynihan and O’Neil which although further left than perfect, still had moral integrity. illini07, it is you my friend that blindly follows a party, one that has left us out in the cold.

  19. Kishke:
    If you cant tel, then all is well. (Sort of like “if the gloves don’t fit, you must aquit”).
    No really, I’m obviously disagreeing with your use of Bush Sr and James Baker as proof of the ills of the Republican Party.

  20. illini07:
    “It is people like you that make me think fundamentalist religion will cause the downfall of the human race.”
    In my opinion Orthodox Jewry is indeed fundamentalist. the diference is I see that as a plus. I do not seek to impose my observance on you so mplease don’t seek to impose your non observance on me.

  21. The only time basically abortion is permitted is when the mothers life is in danger. No one proposed stopping that. Guiliani is not someone worthy of voting for President. Planned Parenthood are plain out and out murderers.

  22. The Town Crier:
    I’m not sure who you were adressing but as a self centered Republican, I’ll assume you were speaking to me.
    I only wish you were right about us denying funds to planned parenthood, they are the primary contributors to our county’s decay. Somehow Title X entitlements force the government of President Bush to give 228,000,000 dollars to “family planning”.
    As to my issues with liberals, if you read my posts you will note that I do noy support liberal Republicans either.
    It is the conservative agenda that I most agree with and therefore seek to promote. I may be in the minority in the world in this opinion but it is one that I proudly and stubbornly cling to.
    Amazingly, even with all the freedoms you liberals lost over the last 6 years, you were still able to win an election and re-claim both houses. So you see, for you all is well that ends up with your biases and I still strive for mine.

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