At the behest of the Agudath Israel Vaad Hatzedokos: There is a couple in Chicago now, Elie Ben-Simon and his “wife” Maria Isabel Ben-Simon. He speaks French and Hebrew and she speaks English. They have “certificates” from Florida, Lakewood and Baltimore that are outdated and she is not Jewish. He claims he has AIDS and the public should be aware of this. Checks written to them will not be cashed by the Agudath Israel as they have not been approved.
5 Responses
If he has what you say, then any sort of close contact with him should be avoided.
Unless you want to swap any bodily fluids with this person you will be ok. That disease is not transmitted by casual contact such as a handshake. If you have an open cut on your hand and he has a bleeding cut then there is a possibility of transferring the disease. Even a stick from an “infected” needle is unlikely to transfer the disease.
OTOH I wouldn’t drink from his kos shel b’rocho.
This information comes from a medical doctor who works in an ER.
Many people apparently didn’t understand. They are fundraising. This is telling them not to give money.
We get all kinds of fakers here in Chicago.
I miss Lakewood š its freeezing here plus we have freaks thats are knocking on our doors!! Hellllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppp!!