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Poland: Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin to re-open

meir shapira1.jpgThe Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin, Poland plans to open the first Yeshiva/Shul that the country’s Jews have renovated since the Nazi era. The building – which once housed the Yeshiva – will be dedicated in a few days and also will be Europe’s first Museum of Chasidism. Three years ago, the building was returned to the Jewish community.

5 Responses

  1. Rav Meir Shapiro, who wrote Daf Yomi died a young man. He was only 42 years old.
    There is the famous story of how he approached a wellknown philanthropist in Europe before the war and told him that he needs money to build a Yeshiva with 3 floors. The philanthropist , doubting the potential completion of the building, told Rav Meir that when they get to thethird floor, he will pay for the roof.
    Well, the building was asuccess and the rich man had to pay as he promised!

  2. I was at Yeshivas Chochmei Lublin it was awsomely inspiring, It was being used as a nursing school, it’s great to hear that it’s going to be given the respect it deserves.
    R’ Meir Shapiro built it for Kavod Hatora, now once again it will be used for its purpose.

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