Setting the record straight on the Shul fire

image001.jpgA reader, who also Davens at the Columbus, Ohio Shul which had the fire – wrote YW the following letter. I suggest you all read it, and take a lesson for the future not to “jump the gun” with all of the comments.

Dear YW Editor, 

I live in Columbus, Ohio and we daven at the Shul where the fire was – Ahavas Sholom. 

I’ve been following the letters that people are writing about our shul and unfortunately FOX news reported that the fire was in the Shul offices and there was $100,000 damage. 

Part of the story is correct but more importantly what is incorrect is that the fire destroyed the small shul where the men daven daily – NOT the offices. 

The $100,000 damage is an estimate and it was for the small shul. 

B”H the Torahs were removed safely.

12 Responses

  1. My dear freind Mr Yeshiva World. We who “jumped the gun” did so because of an article published on this site containing certain information. If someone “jumped the gun” I think it would be whoever published the misinformation!

  2. Mr Who Knows:

    YW posted the LINK on the bottom of the story.

    He never wote that article.

    You actually right. “If someone “jumped the gun” I think it would be whoever published the misinformation!”


  3. With apologies to all, what diff does it make what part of the shul building was damaged? This is an older shul and even if in the office, there would be years of records damaged or destroyed. BH the sifrey torah were saved and having davened there on many occasions while drving thru town, I hope they are able to recover. BH with the help of its fairly new kollel, C’bus is a growing community in Torah. Granted no one wants to see or hear of any shul have a fire.

  4. To everyone,

    I requested that Yeshiva World post this correction because on the original posting it reported that there was damage to the shul offices to the tune of $100,00 and many people were writing in and critizing our shul for having such elaborate offices.

    For example, someone wrote the following: “I’m sure there are aniyim there. People who try hard to support themselves and families but just cannot, or people who do not have someone to support them and they themselves cannot work. Don’t you think that money would be better spent supporting one of those families, rather than spending 100 grand on offices?”

    I did not want people to critize YeshivaWorld for not checking the facts before posting the report I just wanted people to know that the damage was to our beloved small shul and the areas around it including the babysitting room and small kitchen. Our shul will recover, iy”H and we will grow closer and stronger because of it.

  5. good call, folks – don’t believe everything you read – just because it is printed does not mean that it is true – the building in which the fire occurred was built in 1917. It is a brick house. The “small shul,” or beis medresh, is the converted living room; the library which holds the seforim is a converted “sun room;” the men lay talis & tefillin in what was the dining room. The Rabbi’s office upstairs is the former master bedroom; the administrator works out of another converted bedroom. That’s your shul staff, folks, not including the fellow who turns the lights on Shabbos and cleans up from shalosh seudos. So, for the folks who were hocking about $100,000 offices, I invite you to visit Columbus, and the shul. If you’re lucky, I’ll show you the closet in another upstairs bedroom where the Chevra Kadisha used to store the tachrichim. And if you behave, you can also see where the sukkah decorations are stored.

    It’s not a fancy place. But, construction costs are expensive, and this was a building built in the “old school” style, with real wood (not veneer panelling) and heavy duty plastering.

  6. Telegrok – are you a fellow Ahavas Sholom member as my husband and I are? Well said!

    Let me extend an invitation to all to join us at Ahavas Sholom next Shabbos – Parshas Yisro for Ahavas Sholom’s 3rd Annual Luncheon and Cholent Cook Off!

    The name of the shul is Ahavas Sholom and you can visit the website at

  7. the address of the shul is
    Congregation Ahavas Sholom
    2568 East Broad Street
    Columbus, OH 43209

    I do not know what the insurance will cover

  8. Find out and let us know.
    As a person who works in the Insurance business, I would highly recommend that you higher your OWN person to work with the Ins. co.
    You will be able to extract more money out of the co., this will enable you to remodel and have fancy offices, and a beutifull small Beis Merash.

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