Israel: NYC Mayor donates MDA building

CIMG0038 (Medium).jpgNYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Thursday dedicated a $6.5 million emergency rescue service station in Yerushalayim in the memory of his father. The new “Jerusalem regional station of Magen David Adom” will be named for William H. Bloomberg, who died in 1963. An avid reader of YW has a son who is currently enrolled in the MDA Paramedic class – who very kindly took some beautiful pictures available HERE.

14 Responses

  1. I attended this wonderful event and was able to personally able to thank Mayor Bloomberg for his most wonderful and generous donation. We really could use a new and improved station in Jerusalem.

  2. your right thank you but please lets ask the mayor ani irrcha kodmin why do you have to run to jerusalem or adaraba he has enough money for both i cant wait to see the michael bloomberg chabura center of bmg or bais michael dskver or yeshivas bloomberg dbobov you get the point

  3. Yes. This building is replacing the building on HaMemGimmel. As i wrote earlier, This building will be in the SAME EXACT place as the old building.

  4. Kol Hakovod to Mayor Bloomberg!
    During a very stressful period in E’Y when there were a series of many suicide bombings, the Mayer travelled there and PURPOSLEY was riding in the city busses , without fear, and in full support of the bitter crises that his fellow Jews were going through at the time.
    May Hashem bless him!

  5. Thank You Mayor Mike.

    I always liked Mr Bloomberg. I believe he is a decent man, unlike most other politicians. And I am not saying it because of the donation.

    I believe he always does what he thinks is right & tries to do the right thing. I’m not saying he’s always right, but at least he tries. Most Politicians are corrupt

  6. # HellllooNewman Says:
    February 3rd, 2007 at 6:01 pm

    It would be a bigger help if he took care of the public transportation for the yeshivas in N.Y.


    #1) Where are you blogging from at 6:01? Are you shomer shabbos?

    #2) Public transportation is just that. Public. The Mayor did this with his own private money. It takes someone like you to find negative in something as generous as this.


  7. Does anyone know what exactly is being done to the building?
    Is it being renovated at all or is this just a ploy to make money ?

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