Arrests made in Monsey Glatt hold-up

Four men have been arrested on felony charges of robbing Monsey Glatt, (as was originally reported on YW) a Route 59 supermarket on November 23, Ramapo police said this morning. The four men are accused of beating up a Monsey Glatt manager with a pistol and stealing $15,000.

Charged with two counts each of second-degree robbery were Aldaberto Lucas, 21, Edward Ceus, 23, Francisco Feria, 16, and Junior Henry Marseille, 21, police said.

All four are scheduled to be arraigned on the charges this afternoon in Ramapo Justice Court.


14 Responses

  1. The journal news stated that 2 were former employess – I spoke with an 4employee who told me that all 4 had been employees there (not necessarily employed there when they committed the crime.

  2. The theft was terrible and the theives are trash.

    Having said that, there’s no death penalty for armed robbery (Torah or civil law), and I think that some of the above comments are a bit much.

    If the shoe were on the other foot (i.e. Jewish armed theives, of which there aren’t many, thank God), many would likely be saying that they were framed by the anti-Semite cops. We’d raise money for their bail and work ourselves into a rage when they had to wear electronic tracking bracelets on Shabbos.

    You have to be prepared to apply the same standard to everyone.

  3. Charedim….
    I beg to differ. I think if the shoe were on the other foot, our community would be screaming at what achillul Hashem it is. BH our religion has taught us to ‘rise above’ defending the guilty, especially when he goes against Torah(not to mention the aseres hadibros)
    Even if it were geneyvas Akum which is not as bad….
    Raising bail money would be pidyon shevuyim so thats ok…..

  4. Charedim Kol Yisroel: must of us are venting – we know the law and the revolving door justice system.

    I know the person who was injured.

    There were cameras that caught the action – they were employees or former employees of the store. He probably knew or at least saw them and they probably knew or at least saw him at work

    They beat the daylights out of our brother, my friend and LEFT HIM TO DIE! Boruch HaShem – He is recovering! and you…. you’re worried about the reaction if the perp was Jewish – FOR SHAME

    This is not a frame up – however much you are trying to find some benefit of the doubt for these lowlifes.

    As for the shoe being on the other foot – you can take that shoe off and put it back on the same foot and kick the lowlifes with it also!

  5. “We’d raise money for their bail and work ourselves into a rage when they had to wear electronic tracking bracelets on Shabbos.”

    How often do you work yourself into a rage? Really intriguing.

    I guess we’ll have to wait until the next time frum Jewish armed thieves pistol whip an innocent local deli manager, to check it out.

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