Rav Yosef Sheinberger ZATZAL

sheinberger.jpgHagoen Rav Yosef Sheinberger ZATZAL, the head of the Eidah Hachareidis was Niftar this morning. He was a Mechaber of many Seforim, and a Sanzer Einikle. The Levaya took place in Yerushalayim.

“Rav Yosef Sheinberger was the Eidah Hacharedis and the Edah was Rav Sheinberger,” said Shmuel Popenheim, editor of Ha’edah, the official weekly mouthpiece of the Eidah Hachareidis. “He was the one who enlisted the Rabbonim, he was the one who led the struggles against Chillul Shabbos and Tznius, he was the one who did the fundraising abroad.”

7 Responses

  1. I knew him. He used to come to Chicago. He geave our family plenty of Brochos over the years.

    You could feel that he was a holy person.

  2. I met Rav Sheinberger Z”L many times over the years when he came to collect in the US. When I moved to Baltimore, I was zoche to see him on the holy day of Purim. That was his “regular visit time”. I did not know that he was a famous political orgainizer, since he did not talk about this. I was aware, however, that he had been shtark mishamesh the gedolim of the previous generation –that he did talk about. He was a yid a tzadik who was truly concerned with helping his fellow yidden and he helped me many times with his holy brochos. Chaval al d’avdin. Chaval al d’avdin.

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