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Lakewood: Lizensker Rebbe visiting for Shabbos

Photo32_31A.jpgThe Lizensker Rebbe shlita, Founder & Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Noam Elimelech in Monsey will be visiting Lakewood for Shabbos Shira. While the Rebbe is no guest to Lakewood, this is the first time in many years that he has agreed to make a public appearance.

The Rebbe, whose legendary hasmoda goes back many decades to his days of youth while learning by the Shoproner Ruv zt’l, spends his days learning and teaching talmidim.

Almost twenty years ago the Lizensker Rebbe established a small yeshiva in Williamsburg for chassidishe bochurim who are willing to exert themselves in amkus hatorah. It didn’t take long before the yeshiva began attracting tens of young talmidim from the finest chassidishe homes.

A little over a decade ago, the yeshiva was bursting at its seams and was forced to relocate. The yeshiva started out in Monsey in a modest home then grew to a bigger place. Today the
yeshiva is situated on a large campus on the outskirts of Monsey. There, young talmidim toil in Torah and Yiras Shomayim alongside their rebbeim without disturbance from the elements.

Very seldom does the Lizensker Rebbe make public appearances. This coming shabbos is a very rare occasion. The Rebbe will be staying at the home of Reb Michoel Rottenberg and will be davening and conducting tish at Bais Mordechai on Heathwood. This is truly a special occasion and an opportunity to come a see this unique godal batorah and avodah.

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