YWN READERS! Choose $400 in Tickets and pay only $100 with promo code YESHIVAWORLD!



YWN READERS! Choose $400 in Tickets and pay only $100 with promo code YESHIVAWORLD!

Having grown by leaps and bounds in the last two decades, SCHI – The School for Children with Hidden Intelligence in Lakewood, New Jersey has come to epitomize excellence in services for both special needs children and adults. In order to continue to serve its growing student body, SCHI is expanding their existing building with a new state-of-the-art wing. Join the remarkable work of SCHI by being part of their virtual auction.

The vast array of magnificent prizes that are being offered include a two-year car lease sponsored by ICar with a car insurance and free gas, $5,000 cash, a European custom sheitel by Esther Aron, two round trips tickets to Eretz Yisroel, $2,000 at Reich Jewelers, and much, much more. Buy your tickets now to take advantage of amazing early bird discounted ticket packages.

For the next 24 hours, SCHI is offering an incredible discount exclusively for Yeshiva World readers – Choose $400 at www.schiauction.org & pay only $100 for your order using PROMO CODE – YESHIVAWORLD – to get this great deal!

Place your order today at www.schiauction.org and help make a difference in the life of a special needs student!



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