Experience A Once-in-a-lifetime Trip With The Maggid’s Journey To Spain And Gibraltar


E&S Tours is at it again with another incredible itinerary guaranteed to give your family an inspiring and unforgettable travel experience. Conceptualizing and showcasing for over 20 years that no longer is world-class touring incompatible with gourmet glatt meals, and an informative, uniquely Jewish adventure.

This time, enjoy a stunning tour of beautiful Southern Spain and Gibraltar (option to extend and include day tour of Morocco) . Ascend the peaks of mountains with Rabbi Paysach Krohn, where you can take in unforgettable views & the world-class stories for which Rabbi Krohn is famous. Exquisite shopping, amazing views, unique experiences and delicious meals abound.

The perfect day awaits you: Enjoy a scrumptious outdoor breakfast on the Mediterranean, in a beautiful area whose many look-out points provide breathtaking views spanning hundreds of miles. Spend an inspiring shabbos at a beachfront resort with uplifting davening, moving speakers, and gourmet cuisine. Motzei shabbos, in classic E&S Tours style, includes a Melave Malka full milchig buffet & live music.

This tour was specially designed for those who wish to take in the rich Jewish history and dazzling sights of Spain & Gibraltar. Speakers Rabbi Paysach Krohn & Rabbi Daniel Glatstein will fascinate with colorful stories of this amazing ancient culture, which is still vibrant today. Delicious catered meals three times a day ensure that travelers will be supremely comfortable during their journey.

Memories will be made that will last a lifetime. Participants will have the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of great Talmudic scholars and eminent rabbis of yesteryear such as the Rambam, the Rif, the Ohr HaChayim,, R’ Yehuda Halevi, R’ Abraham Ibn Ezra, R’ Shmuel Hanagid, R’ Yitzchak Alfasi and more.

E & S Tours has been crafting amazing Jewish tours of the world for over 20 years, and they are excited to announce this unbelievable Thanksgiving Spanish tour. Space is limited, contact 732-523-7917 for more information.

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