Lakewood: ‘One Day At A Time’ evening of Chizuk

Harav Shmuel Kamenetzsky Shlita to Address Fathers of Children With Special Needs in Lakewood: One Day At A Time, a support and advocacy group for families of Children with Special Needs, will host it’s annual evening of Chizuk and Inspiration for Father’s of Children with Special Needs.

The Rosh Yeshiva Shlita will address the assemblage, to be followed by a roundtable discussion. The Rosh Yeshiva continues to be intimately involved in the many various areas of Special Children, in Lakewood and beyond, as the needs in Klall Yisroel continuously grow.

The event, will take place this Sunday Evening February 4, 7:30 PM at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Schmell 1420 Cedar Row. A Buffet Dinner will be served.

Previous Robbonim who have addressed One Day at A Time include, Rabbi Elimelech Bluth, Rabbi Mordechai Fine, Rabbi Ruvein Feinstein, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rabbi Yaacov Perlow of Novaminsk,  Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz, Rabbi Yaakov Reisman, Rabbi Ezreil Tauber, and Rabbi Matisyohu Salomon.

For further information, to R.S.V.P., or to request tapes of previous lectures please call (732)370-0366. If there is a particular issue or question which you would prefer to send in advance, please fax to (732) 363-2779.

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