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Lakewood: Train misses truck by 10 feet!!

IMG_2832.jpgOn Tuesday evening, as the train passing through Lakewood was heading south, just a few yards away from crossing Route 88, it was forced to halt due to a pick up truck, which tried crossing the tracks in a mud path, and got stuck. The train managed to halt just in time approx 10 feet away!! (More photos in YW Photo Album by Photography Plaza)

14 Responses

  1. Maybe when something serious happens the township will get the message to make crossing over the tracks in numerous places,easier.There are many busted tires too.

  2. In all the years I’ve lived in Lakewood I’ve never had any trouble crossing the tracks. If you’ll bother looking at the picture, you’ll notice that this guy appears to be driving along the train tracks. Tell me, how exactly is the township supposed to prevent something stupid like that?

  3. your right kishke
    I also have no trouble crossing the tracks .
    By the way just wondering, do you like kishke so much that you name your blogs kishke ?

  4. No, kishke is fine, but it’s not my favorite food or anything. I needed a blogging name, so I took the first silly Jewishy thing that popped into my head.

  5. Arent there yellow warning signs, white regulatory sign and blinking lights to indicate that it is a railroad crossing? Some people think that the R/R stands for Rest & Relaxation.

  6. Kishke-the township cant stop people like that..who maybe want to collect insurance for a pancaked car..nor people who wanna commit suicide by waiting for a train either-But as a Chaveirim member i can tell you that there are plenty Normal people who-until recently when one of our members was nice enough to place cones @food ex-busted their tires turning by the tracks(in one case,3 tires@a shot)…and got stuck-unintentionally….those calls came in daily.BTW,the trains call chaveirim every time they pass, to fix their wheels after being busted on the tracks…(ok i was kidding about the last part…:)

  7. There aren’t crossing bars that come down when the train is close by or at least warning lights I know that in Monsey they have both, but at least knowone got hurt like I wrote by Lakewood overturned vehicle that there were alot of accidents lately but B”H not as many people are getting hurt I guess our tefillos are starting to work slowly.

  8. So was the guy driving on the tracks on purpose or did he slip off the road?? It looks like the train driver was very experienced.

  9. BTW, the train through Lakewood goes at about 5 miles an hour, blowing it’s whistle all the way. So there’s really very little danger.

  10. In all cities people try to race the trains across the tracks because no one has two minutes to sit and wait for the train to pass. The oilam halt in ein loifen loifen to no where special, as long as they are running!!

  11. I live in Lakewood for over 30 years and only once, very briefly, had to wait for a train to pass. I drive across the tracks all the time and have never gotten stuck on them.

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