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Yeshivaworld News roundup 1/14/07

Rav Herschel Rosengarten Shlita R”Y Yeshiva Ohel Torah of Monsey is leaving to E”Y today to attend a family Simcha.

Rav Yeshaya Treff Shlita R”Y Yesodei Hatorah is traveling to Chicago today to attend a Chasunah.

The mother of Rav Menachem Eichenshtein Shlita R”Y Dvar Torah in Yerushalayim was Niftar this morning. The Levaya was this morning in Tifrach and coming to Bar Ilan corner Shmuel Hanavy at 3:00PM after to Har Haminuchos, and he will be sitting Shiva at 10 Ponim Me’iros.

Hagoen Rav Henoch Lebowitz Shlita R”Y Chofetz Chaim in Queens will be traveling to Florida today for a one week visit. He will be visiting Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Florida.

There will be a big Siyum tonight in the big Satmar BM on Rodney Street, Bihishtatfus the Satmar Rebbe from Williamsburg Rav Zalman Leib Teitlebaum Shlita Lizcher Nishmas the Eitzei Chaim who was the father of the Beirach Moshe ZATZAL.

Tonight will be Hespaidim taking place tonight for the Yartzheit of Rav Gavriel Ginsberg ZATZAL R”Y Ner Yisreol of Toronto.The Maspidim will include Rav Menashe Klein Shlita, Rav Dovid Helberg Shlita Morah D’asrah of K’hal Bais Issac Tzvi Shlita of Boro park and others. It is taking place in Ungvar B”M 5306 16th Avenue.

The daughter of Rav Osher Kalmanowitz Shlita R”Y Mir became a kallah last evening to Habochur Moshe Kahn the son of Rav Avrohom Kahn.

Torah Mesorah convention in E”Y for 35 Menahalim paid a visit to Maran Hagoen Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita.

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