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World oldest man dies at 115

oldestman.jpgA man recognized as the world’s oldest person, Emiliano Mercado del Toro, died Wednesday at the age of 115 of natural causes at his home in Puerto Rico. He was born in Puerto Rico when it was still a Spanish colony, was drafted into the U.S. army in 1918 but did not serve in combat because the First World War ended while he was still in training.

9 Responses

  1. i remember this guys bar mitzah…nobody there woulda beleived he’d live another 102 years…His mother is not taking this too well…

  2. Reminds me of a story Dr. Jakobowitz of Baltimore related: An African American woman who was over 100 years old came for a check-up. He asked her why does she think she lived so long. He thought she would say she ate a certain yogurt or did yoga etc. She answered: In the Bible it says you will have a long life if you obey your mammy and pappy, and this is one thing I always did!!

  3. Noitallmr;
    A non Jew doesnt have the mitzvah of Kibbud av vaem. They are obligated to 7 mitzvos benei Noach so I dont think thats relevant!

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